bumble wrote:Yesterday, my partner and I were driving home when I spotted a teal Chevy Cavalier with the license plate "CATGRL 1". This is the same sort of car:
We had a long debate over whether the driver of this car would listen to Nine Inch Nails.
Ha! Picking up the car we hired to take us to ATP this weekend I was told that they'd had to upgrade people all day because of a shortage of vehicles. I had booked a sensible, economical Ford Focus:
They gave me a Saab convertible:
Driving up, one of the things that worried me (and began to piss off my passengers as I became increasingly obsessed by it) was what people would think as I pulled into the venue. I am a grown man, and I was worried about looking like a poseur. I told myself to grow up. And then I read this! Bumble, it's because of folks like you that I can't enjoy my wealth (well, what I really mean is upgraded hire cars)!