Little details from your day

burun wrote:First weekend at the new gig, and I am listening to Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, The Letting Go.

One of the students came by to ask me a question. She paused, and asked "Who is this singing? He sounds like Jeff Buckley."

I didn't know what to make of that, since I know jack about Jeff Buckley.

It means that she doesn't know what she's talking about.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Little details from your day


Today I watched Bara no soretsu, aka Funeral Parade of Roses (薔薇の葬列). Which was great...whilst watching I was shocked to realise how much Stanley Kubrick had filched stylistically to make A Clockwork Orange. Huge chunks of the film are blatantly lifted.

Essay on the film here by Jim O'Rourke: Timeline for a Timeless Story (trailer also)

Later in the afternoon, I watched Oliver Twist and now I'm watching Men in Black II.

Towmorrow, I have the day off work and I will watch Le Cercle Rouge starring Alain Delon.

It must be winter.

Little details from your day

A blue Dodge Neon sedan is often parked on the street a few blocks from where I live. The car seems normal in all respects except for the huge decal on the hood: "KORN," as in the band, in scrawly white letters with the R reversed. The thought of a fierce KoRn fan owning such a tame and sensible little car amuses me. I have yet to see a driver.

Little details from your day

Cranius wrote:

Today I watched Bara no soretsu, aka Funeral Parade of Roses (?????). Which was great...whilst watching I was shocked to realise how much Stanley Kubrick had filched stylistically to make A Clockwork Orange. Huge chunks of the film are blatantly lifted.

Essay on the film here by Jim O'Rourke: Timeline for a Timeless Story (trailer also)

Later in the afternoon, I watched Oliver Twist and now I'm watching Men in Black II.

Towmorrow, I have the day off work and I will watch Le Cercle Rouge starring Alain Delon.

It must be winter.

I can relate. Today was all about Arrested Development Season 3. And homemade Mexican food.

"Today was a good day." - Ice Cube

Little details from your day

Whilst engaged in some Christmas shopping around Spitalfields market yesterday I came across this strikingly awful portrait of Johnny Cash. Although I tried to snap it on the sly, the stall-holder saw and kind of winked at me thinking I was admiring it. I had to move away quickly as I knew I was going to laugh so much a little bit of sick might come up


Little details from your day

I had a fall in my room last night after standing on my drawers to sort some curtains out. I jumped down but lost my balance and crashed into my desk, knocking all my little bits and pieces everywhere. This morning I wanted to go to the shop, but I couldn't find my key. I looked all over for it, everywhere it could possibly have been, even the really stupid places where it couldn't possibly have been. I even took my oversized going-to-the-shop shoes - which slip on and off without me ever having to tie or untie the laces - back off and looked in them in case they were in there. They were not. Finally I went to the shop via the back door, and had to leave the back gate blowing in the wind and banging on its frame because there's no way to shut it from the outside. When I came back and slipped my shoes off, I found my key. It was lodged in the laces of one of my shoes. I had been wearing it while looking all round the house for it, and I had worn it to the shop. I believe I may end up one of those old people who spend a lot of time looking for the glasses they have on their head. I'm reading Suzanne Clark's new book and I was starting to entertain enchanting thoughts about the mischevious fairies hiding my keys. Turns out I'm just a moron.

Little details from your day

bumble wrote:Yesterday, my partner and I were driving home when I spotted a teal Chevy Cavalier with the license plate "CATGRL 1". This is the same sort of car:


We had a long debate over whether the driver of this car would listen to Nine Inch Nails.

Ha! Picking up the car we hired to take us to ATP this weekend I was told that they'd had to upgrade people all day because of a shortage of vehicles. I had booked a sensible, economical Ford Focus:


They gave me a Saab convertible:


Driving up, one of the things that worried me (and began to piss off my passengers as I became increasingly obsessed by it) was what people would think as I pulled into the venue. I am a grown man, and I was worried about looking like a poseur. I told myself to grow up. And then I read this! Bumble, it's because of folks like you that I can't enjoy my wealth (well, what I really mean is upgraded hire cars)!

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