Little details from your day

i've been very good about not biting my nails recently due to the deterrent of nail polish. they've looked so pretty lately, like little ripe berries on the tips of my fingers.

i have been very stressed out and somewhat hungover from the company Christmas party last night. so today is the day i decided to bite my nails. went with the longest one first -- very satisfying, then almost unconsciously went in order, from the nail next to that then the nail next to that. after they're all bitten, i'll file down what's left, turning the nails into considerably smaller berries. now my fingers hurt typing this.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.

Little details from your day

The depression of the drive home from ATP was enlivened by this wonderful news story coming across the radio:

Radio Bishop 'can't remember' party night out

A prominent bishop in the Church of England was under pressure to explain how he came to lose his belongings and suffer head injuries after a party.

The Rt Rev Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark, has made it clear that he has no intention of resigning after the incident following a reception at the Irish Embassy in London.

He is reported to have been found bruised and bloodied outside the Bishop's House in Tooting Bec, south London, by his wife Barbara, late on Tuesday night.

The morning after, Dr Butler's head was too bruised to wear his bishop's mitre for a church ceremony.

Police were informed that his briefcase and mobile phone were missing and that he had suffered head wounds.

According to a report, witnesses saw a man who looked like the bishop getting into the back of a stranger's Mercedes near London Bridge, on Tuesday night.

The man was alleged to have been throwing children's toys around and to have announced: "I'm the Bishop of Southwark. It's what I do."

He was alleged to have banged his head after being ejected from the car, leaving some property behind.

Dr Butler, 66, who appears regularly in the Thought for the Day slot of BBC Radio 4 Today programme, told the Guardian that he had no recollection of what had happened after the reception.

"The problem is, I don't remember anything, this has been a difficulty from the start," he said. "I told the police I arrived home without my briefcase and with bruising on my face and a gash on the back of my head.

"There was this story about me being in a car at London Bridge, which I can remember absolutely nothing about."

A statement issued on behalf of Dr Butler said: "He left the reception to travel home by public transport. When he arrived home he was without his briefcase and mobile phone and had several fresh head wounds. He reported the matter to the police and sought medical attention."

A spokesman said that the Bishop had no intention of resigning.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Little details from your day

I went to the Tower clearance (the branch in the Village) and was mildly amused/saddened by the sheer amount of records in the bins from bands

a) who have members who post on this board
b) have recorded at electrical
c) are bands that get a lot of lip service here
d) i played with
e) i played *in*

you get the idea.

I scored that Hafler Trio/Sigur Ros thing, a recording of a pachinko parlor, and a real, honest to goodness copy of the Serena-Maneesh disc, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE but did not actually own until today.

If you want that record and do not have it yet, Tower on B'way/E. 4th has a shitload, and they are about $6 after the price reduction.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

burun wrote:I went to the Tower clearance (the branch in the Village) and was mildly amused/saddened by the sheer amount of records in the bins from bands

a) who have members who post on this board
b) have recorded at electrical
c) are bands that get a lot of lip service here
d) i played with
e) i played *in*

you get the idea.

I scored that Hafler Trio/Sigur Ros thing, a recording of a pachinko parlor, and a real, honest to goodness copy of the Serena-Maneesh disc, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE but did not actually own until today.

If you want that record and do not have it yet, Tower on B'way/E. 4th has a shitload, and they are about $6 after the price reduction.

burun, do you live near there? my office is at 9th/b'way
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.

Little details from your day

i spent last night in bed trying to sleep but failing due to the melvins perforating my eardrums and having sweats due to me being irresponsible with my body at atp. some good came of it though which was i dreamed mark e smith was walking on my back and proposing to me. i went to the cinema and he picked me up. our date was cut short due to me having to cover some shifts in a coffee shop but i spent all the time getting ready trying to pin my hair up creatively. meatloaf was there too which is spooky as he performed on the royal variety show tonight . which was beyond crap. my chin is still red and i may have to start wearing make up.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

Little details from your day

fantasmatical thorr wrote: meatloaf was there too which is spooky as he performed on the royal variety show tonight . which was beyond crap. my chin is still red and i may have to start wearing make up.

There is a tape around demonstrating some pretty horrifying sex torture with Meatloaf's 'Bat Out of Hell' as the soundtrack. You never see the German guy's face. Meatloaf now qualifies as full-on nightmare fodder for me...

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