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Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:24 am
by Ty Webb_Archive
Did you feel like you were having a particularly good penis day?

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:46 am
by sparky_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:Did you feel like you were having a particularly good penis day?

No, but I am loathe to go out and ask for a second opinion. They're liberal here, but not that liberal.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:57 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
sparky wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Did you feel like you were having a particularly good penis day?

No, but I am loathe to go out and ask for a second opinion. They're liberal here, but not that liberal.

Coming soon- Mark's johnson: crap/not crap.

"You have a nice penis."
"Well, thank you."


I mean, if he was that interested, he could have just offered to buy me an ice cream.

Sparky, that's gold right there. Gold.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:03 pm
by sparky_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:Coming soon- Mark's johnson: crap/not crap.

There might not be enough voters to make that interesting, I fear.

A friend, an ex-intimate, has just expressed her incredulity at my thanking him for the compliment. But what else could you say?

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:14 pm
by mkoren_Archive
Had a dental appointment at 7am to have my bottom right wisdom tooth removed. It wouldn't come out cleanly because it turns out that one of the nerves hooks up into the bone so... that took about two Goddamn hours. Then the clutch on my van (89' Transporter) goes and that's gonna cost $650 w/labour. On the bright side, I can probably use that as a bargaining chip to pay less for the van itself (still paying off the seller, who is a relative). Good times, good times.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:16 pm
by Josef K_Archive
sparky wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Did you feel like you were having a particularly good penis day?

No, but I am loathe to go out and ask for a second opinion. They're liberal here, but not that liberal.

It's Berlin, I believe anything goes. I've seen Cabaret.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:20 pm
by 242sumner
Thats a great story, Sparky. Very funny.

Is this your favorite gay sauna in Berlin so far?

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:20 pm
by enframed_Archive
m.koren wrote:Had a dental appointment at 7am to have my bottom right wisdom tooth removed. It wouldn't come out cleanly because it turns out that one of the nerves hooks up into the bone so... that took about two Goddamn hours. Then the clutch on my van (89' Transporter) goes and that's gonna cost $650 w/labour. On the bright side, I can probably use that as a bargaining chip to pay less for the van itself (still paying off the seller, who is a relative). Good times, good times.

i just had my transmission (and so clutch system) replace on my 87' wolfsburg. $1,700.

hope that feels a little better.

sucks about your tooth.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:25 pm
by mkoren_Archive
enframed wrote:i just had my transmission (and so clutch system) replace on my 87' wolfsburg. $1,700.

hope that feels a little better.

sucks about your tooth.

Wow ! Yeah, I do feel better now. Fucking Kraut-mobiles !

As for the tooth, I forgot to mention that the freezing didn't completely work. But I just thought of Rollins and that made everything... So. Much. Fucking. Better.

Little details from your day

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:25 pm
by Rimbaud III_Archive
sparky wrote:A story of repressed homoerotic desire


I just done one of them ROTFLOLs that the kids are always on about.

I'm sending that on to Az. She's going to love it.