Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:Ben is playing me "Keep On Chooglin'."

Well! It's the first time I ever heard it called that!

Mandroid2.0 wrote:I have a job. With health insurance benefits and all that zazzy stuff

Right on!

Mandroid2.0 wrote:Hopefully this will result in discount LASIK surgery such that I no longer run into walls and fall into open toilets in the middle of the night when I don't have my glasses on.

Oh Jesus, Ms. Lady - don't get me started again. :roll:
My mind, it's a terrible diskette.

Little details from your day

steve wrote:Found a can of soup in the pantry, wondered why I hadn't eaten it yet, so I did. Date stamp on the lid: March 2004. That's cool, right?

I feel like such a loser.

Eat it! They'd sell that in the supermarket over here.
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

Little details from your day

steve wrote:Found a can of soup in the pantry, wondered why I hadn't eaten it yet, so I did. Date stamp on the lid: March 2004. That's cool, right?

I feel like such a loser.

i got two boxes of rice-a-roni from the late seventies on my kitchen shelf. my dad was helping clean a recently deceased neighbor's home & kept them for some reason. my brother said my dad drank a can of a&w (also from the loot) that still had one of those peel-off tabs. said brother rescued the rice-a-roni & gave it to me as a keepsake.

i'm kinda worried that i'll eat it some day "by accident" on a bender or have to eat it if we get into mad max territory anytime soon.

my little detail: i tripped on an abandoned pair of jorts in front of my door on my way to work this morning.

Little details from your day

Cranius wrote:I know someone that once ate some pharonic bread (c.2000BC) that was being stored in the British Museum.

They were fine.

"The oldest datable wine has been an amphora salvaged and drank by Captain Jacques Cousteau from the wreck of a Greek trader sunk in the Mediterranean circa 230 B.C. Wine jars recovered from the Pompeii eruption of A.D. 79 were found labeled VESUVINUM - the oldest known trade mark."

Little details from your day

Today is a sad day. After about two years of fantastic service, my samsung D500 seems to have finally retired it's keypad and is heading off to join all the other tiny gadgets in the sky. For weeks now, the 'up' key hasn't been working and the charge it holds is getting considerably smaller. It won't be long now, little guy.
It'll only take me about 6 weeks to afford a replacement, so what's nice this season? Word on the street is that sony ericcson phones are the coolest phones around, but I've always disliked the brand.

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