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Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:21 am
by Johnny C_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:When I think of "punk rock", I think of 'rejection of the establishment'.

I wonder what Mackaye thinks about Ron Paul?

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:24 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote: then and only then can you talk shit about someone's character.
Dude, you think you have the right to talk shit about Marsupialized's character, and Marsupialized has more integrity than you without even actually trying to have integrity.
Prove it.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:57 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:Or prove that Marsupialized has more integrity than you? Of course he has more integrity than you- he's not so desperate for the approval of the forum that he makes threads like your idiotic 'Generalizations about the Poor' thread.
That thread was based upon my own personal experience with "poor people" from when I worked at the phone company in Baltimore.
There was no grandstanding.
There was no sucking up to anyone.
The sole purpose for me making that thread was to prove that there actually are people too poor to afford the internet and they're in a much larger abundance than you think.
While working in the ghetto that surrounds Johns Hopkins I saw extended families living in one bedroom apartments. I'm talking about over 8 people in a one bedroom apartment.
I saw this on a daily basis.
During my period of working at the phone company, I took a vacation in Amsterdam.
I went to the Anne Frank house.
Two families shared a decent sized loft space. albeit under extreme secrecy to where if one of them made a sound, they were fucked, but that still seemed more humane than the conditions I saw in one of the oldest cities in the country.
Seeing shit like that in my hometown and making money off people who lived like that made me quit that job.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:08 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:The sole purpose for me making that thread was to prove that there actually are people too poor to afford the internet .
Yeah, except my position was that the working poor could get on-line if they managed their income properly and put their minds to it. I never said anything about the destitute being on-line.
The destitute are poor. Many of them have even have jobs. Sadly in AmeriKKKa, if you're born poor, you gotta claw and scrape your way to not be poor.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:16 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:Don't lie and claim that it wasn't a personal attack on me that you thought would score you points with the forum:
mcgarvey in the generalizations about the poor thread wrote:What really pisses me off is that Rick Reuben used a blanket statement
You did use a blanket statement.
Regardless, I think maiolo comes across as a genuine person who has reasonable ideas.
big_dave, despite his "good intentions," unfortunately butts his head into matters too often and over menial shit
I was one of the early ones who made a huge stink about his "rape comment"
I agree that he trolls you, but every now and then he makes a great point

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:26 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:You did use a blanket statement.

I said, "I doubt you could prove that the working poor are not on-line." That is not a blanket statement. If I wrote, "The working poor are on-line.", then that is a blanket statement.
I apologize for making a grammatical generalization against you.
Not to get into semantics, but it still comes across to the casual reader as blanket statement.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:26 am
by big_dave_Archive
Guys, you can stop fighting over me now. I feel like Olive Oyl.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:28 pm
by Wood Goblin_Archive
Rick, as you know, I stopped arguing with you a long time ago, so I'm asking this out of genuine curiosity: how do you feel about Ron Paul's appreciation of Milton Friedman?

I'm starting at the U of Chicago GSB in a couple of months, and although I strongly disagree with some of Friedman's positions, I don't take the position that he was an idiot. (Greg Palast, it's worth noting, studied with Friedman in the 70s.)

Also, for your enjoyment, an article endorsing a return to the gold standard from The New Republic.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:59 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
alex maiolo wrote:When I think of "punk rock," I think of an old, white, gynecologist, who wears a suit, loves the home schoolin', and thinks abortion should be illegal.

When I think of "punk rock", I think of 'rejection of the establishment'. Was John Lennon punk rock at 40? Is Willie Nelson punk rock at 70? Is Gore Vidal punk rock at 80? Is Studs Terkel punk rock at 90?

When I think of "rejection of the establishment," I think of an old, white, gynecologist, who wears a suit, loves the home schoolin', and thinks abortion should be illegal.

Rick Reuben wrote:Have Hillary, Barack or John Edwards ever been punk rock?

Along with Ron Paul, never.


Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:17 pm
by chet_Archive
Looks like Pauls on his way to being in 1st place (GOP) for the 4th quarter fund raising. Which analyst said hes going to pull in over $12 million again? I know thats his goal, and people are expecting him to pass it. Also, they're doing another "fund-raising" bomb coming up (the last one pulled in over $4 million in one day!)

Lets look at the figures Ron Paul's campaign just sent out in an email ->

"Thanks to your continued support, we are closing in on three important fundraising milestones for the fourth quarter:

* During the third quarter, Fred Thompson raised $9,750,821 to be used during the primary election cycle.
* Not counting money that he loaned to his own campaign, Mitt Romney raised $9,896,719.
* Rudy Giuliani finished with $10,258,019.

Ron Paul is currently at $9,708,791 for the fourth quarter.

We are within reach of passing Fred Thompson today! Will you help us storm past these fundraising totals over a month sooner than they did?"

If you look on his site right now, the counter is at $9,782,400, so hes already beat Thompson for last quarter. In a few days, he could easily (and probably will) out raise Romney.

Love him or hate him, hes not going away anytime soon.