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Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:39 am
by big_dave_Archive
unarmedman wrote:Does anyone know where I can get The Case For Gold? It's used on Amazon for around $ it out of print?

If you've not read it there's a PDF of it posted in this thread.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:42 pm
by unarmedman_Archive
Thanks big_dave, I'll look for it in this thread, but I'm assuming that's the same pdf I found online - a critique of Ludwig von Mises by George Selgin?

I'm trying to find the late-70's Ron Paul Case For Gold.

Let's see what I find here...

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:02 pm
by lemur68_Archive
unarmedman wrote:I'm trying to find the late-70's Ron Paul Case For Gold.

Don't get the remastered version, it sounds like crap.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:46 am
by unarmedman_Archive
boooo.....tomatoes to you...

Can't find good help these days... :wink:

edit: I searched 10 pages front and back....there's no way I'm going through 80 pages for this thing. If anyone knows exactly where this .pdf is, and is feeling generous...

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:40 am
by big_dave_Archive
unarmedman wrote:Thanks big_dave, I'll look for it in this thread, but I'm assuming that's the same pdf I found online - a critique of Ludwig von Mises by George Selgin?

I'm trying to find the late-70's Ron Paul Case For Gold.

Let's see what I find here...

It's in here somewhere. I can't find it with a search.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:40 am
by big_dave_Archive
Oops. There you go.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:38 pm
by unarmedman_Archive
Thank you!

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:05 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
Huckabee seems to be the only guy who's honest, among the front runners.
An *actual* Christian - who believes in helping the poor and stuff, like the Bible says! Insane!

Obama's lead on Hillary is news, but what's equal news is that Edwards has shot ahead to a solid 3rd, and is only as far behind Clinton as she is behind Obama.
If I'm not mistaken, that's where Bill Clinton was at roughhy the same time in '92.

How Fred Thompson can be ahead of McCain and Paul is beyond me. What the hell has he ever done, really?


Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:10 pm
by chet_Archive
alex maiolo wrote:
How Fred Thompson can be ahead of McCain and Paul is beyond me. What the hell has he ever done, really?


In terms of fundraising, Paul is way ahead of him. In NH polls right now, last I heard Paul was above Thompson. Since Paul has so much $$$ now, hes expecting a large jump in the polls (I see him gaining some ground too, but I still see his odds of winning are small).

I think Huckabee is being honest too, but hes being honest when he says he doesn't believe in evolution too. I don't know if he'll win or not (its certainly possible), but I see him being more Vice Pres. material. His refined southern-rooted Neo-con. position would be a good balance to a northern "liberal" like a Guiliani or a Romney. They're going to have to win that southern vote somehow. I have a feeling the GOP will push for this.

Presidential Contender: Ron Paul

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:52 pm
by chet_Archive
Yep, just as I predicted, Paul is ahead of Thompson in NH now.

Fred Thompon's decline has been so dramatic that his favorable ratings are closer to Ron Paul's than to the frontrunners. Just 50% have a favorable opinion of Thompson while 44% say the opposite. In September, Thompson earned 19% of the vote in New Hampshire. That has fallen to just 3% today.

In fact, Thompson now trails Ron Paul who earns 8% support in the latest poll. Paul is viewed favorably by 36% of Likely Republican Primary Voters and unfavorably by 57%. The Texas Congressman brings a surprisingly large campaign bank account to the state and his campaign will present an interesting wild card for voters and other candidates. ... ce20071130