by DregsInTheCrowd_Archive
Oh, the poor fate of 70s rock. It started out with such a bright future, but by the time punk reared its head, it was met with such disdain. In the wake of the Great Grunge Backlash of the 90s (I swear I've heard that term somewhere), Zep/Sabbath revivalist bands who knew their shit would meet with similar disdain.
I still stand by Badmotorfinger and Superunknown as two of the best mainstream rock albums of the 90s, though if I had to choose, I'd probably take the latter. As Christgau noted upon its release, they were still not Led Zeppelin, but they were a lot closer than they'd ever been, and ripped Zeppelin better than nearly anyone had before. If they ever approached the "big dumb butt rock" with which they are sometimes associated, it was on their early records, dumb as they were loud, hookless as they were unprofound. Still, I think they got it together in the 90s, and they were FAR FROM CRAP.