conspiracy theories

Total votes: 24 (47%)
not crap
Total votes: 27 (53%)
Total votes: 51

Explanation: conspiracy theories

gio wrote:Conspiracy theories have none of these qualities. They are often a rambling vomit of facts skewed by bias and ingorance towards reasonable evidence.

You are invited to any of the threads on 9/11 or the Federal Reserve to measure your own awareness of reasonable evidence. Or you can remain comfortable inside your unchallenged conventional wisdom on those subjects. Pick any particular conspiracy theory that you consider a 'rambling vomit of facts', and I'll take you up on it, if it's a theory that I've looked at. You seem willing to at least allow that all conspiracy theories are not 100% Crap, unlike andrew L., the pouting vendetta-driven pompous ass.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

clocker bob wrote:
gio wrote:Conspiracy theories have none of these qualities. They are often a rambling vomit of facts skewed by bias and ingorance towards reasonable evidence.

You are invited to any of the threads on 9/11 or the Federal Reserve to measure your own awareness of reasonable evidence. Or you can remain comfortable inside your unchallenged conventional wisdom.

Thanks, I'll get in touch with you when I have a whole bunch of time to waste worrying about shit I don't need to worry about... like fake documentaries made by some stupid kid from LA.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

clocker bob wrote:
gio wrote:Conspiracy theories have none of these qualities. They are often a rambling vomit of facts skewed by bias and ingorance towards reasonable evidence.

You are invited to any of the threads on 9/11 or the Federal Reserve to measure your own awareness of reasonable evidence. Or you can remain comfortable inside your unchallenged conventional wisdom on those subjects. Pick any particular conspiracy theory that you consider a 'rambling vomit of facts', and I'll take you up on it, if it's a theory that I've looked at. You seem willing to at least allow that all conspiracy theories are not 100% Crap, unlike andrew L., the pouting vendetta-driven pompous ass.

Since you seem to like collaging internet references...

Here's one. It took me two seconds to find. Give me an hour, and I'll have a whole body of literature for you.

It doesn't make me a scholar.

Now if you'll excuse me, I came here to get a few laughs, read opinions on rock music and baseball, and learn about where to put microphones. Thanks.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

gio wrote:Thanks, I'll get in touch with you when I have a whole bunch of time to waste worrying about shit I don't need to worry about... like fake documentaries made by some stupid kid from LA.

Cool- the sniff test is definitely good enough for 9/11. We're all too busy to think about a mass murder and a perpetual war on terror. Once that stupid kid in LA ( ??...who, Dylan Avery, from upstate NY? ) goes away, that will be the end of those silly discussions. Just for the record then, would you mind signing your name to this statement?

"I, American Citizen, am completely satisified with the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission, and I oppose all further investigations of the terrorist acts".

Thanks. I'm keeping a list of who I get to laugh at when the official myth falls apart.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

clocker bob wrote:"I, American Citizen, am completely satisified with the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission, and I oppose all further investigations of the terrorist acts".

Oh please.

You're worse than michael moore at his most fact-skewing.

this kind of behavior is bad for the left, and bad for engendering change. I'm with chomsky.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

gio wrote:Oh please.

I'm just pointing out your fence-sitting nature. You bluster into this thread with your denunciations of conspiracy theories, but when you are called upon to endorse what stands in opposition to the conspiracy theories - the official theory- you're scared to put your name down. I hate to break this to you, but a world without conspiracy theories means a world with only official stories. You're too lazy to back up your criticisms of the 9/11 conspiracy theories, so you escalate your tomato throwing at them from your safe place on the sidelines. What this boils down to is that you don't know shit about conspiracy theories, but you want to condemn them as if you've studied them, because peer pressure encourages that approach. By asking you to sign an endorsement of the official story of 9/11, I expose that you also don't know nearly enough about the official story to confidently agree with that either.

You're in no man's land. Hot air, no substance. Don't worry, baseball starts in three weeks and somebody's playing guitar somewhere.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

I recommend "Everything is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson. Reading that book made me realize that all the conspiracy theories are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

gio wrote:this kind of behavior is bad for the left, and bad for engendering change. I'm with chomsky.

Yeah, dude, the fossilized corporatized compromised left has been on a real hot streak over the past 40 years! Wouldn't want to teach that old dog any new tricks, not with the way the left has been keeping us out of wars and out of deficits for my entire lifetime. And why are you throwing Chomsky in with the left? When has the left fielded a viable candidate that held positions even close to Chomsky??

God Save The Left, The Fascist Regime- j. lydon

Explanation: conspiracy theories

Kayte R. wrote:I recommend "Everything is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson. Reading that book made me realize that all the conspiracy theories are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.

That's a good way of describing it. Only Andrew L., Nihil, Gramsci, and now Gio are capable of tying all conspiracy theories up into a single bundle and putting one all-purpose label on them. I think I need a conspiracy theory to explain their evangelical allegiance to structuralism and only structuralism to explain every single event that has ever occurred in history...fucking wack jobs.

Explanation: conspiracy theories

clocker bob wrote:
gio wrote:Oh please.

You're in no man's land. Hot air, no substance. Don't worry, baseball starts in three weeks and somebody's playing guitar somewhere.

[my own meanness edited, though bob thought i was talking about him, because he expects people to think he is mean, because it's apparently what he's gotten used to receiving from people with whom he "debates." i had written something very juvenile as fit for an internet-message-board, but edited it because i didn't want to represent myself as an ignorant dick. oh well.]

Last edited by gio_Archive on Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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