bands you admit you know nothing about

burun wrote:
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Wow. That's why people live in NYC.

Are you dissin' me, Brett Eugene Ralph?

I'm not too cool to admit I cry at songs.

I'm not too cool to admit I go to supper clubs on occasion.

I'm not too cool to admit I actually wore a dress to this show.

Hey Jodester - I'm going to guess that he sincerely meant "You're so lucky to live in NYC because you got to see this performance which did not appear in my town." (?)

bands you admit you know nothing about

burun wrote:
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Wow. That's why people live in NYC.

Are you dissin' me, Brett Eugene Ralph?

Not in the least. What I meant was that Glen and Jimmy aren't likely to be playing any supper clubs around here anytime soon. Hell, I might've worn a dress to see that show, and there may well have been tears mixed with the gravy atop my mashed potatoes.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

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