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Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:39 pm
by sphincter_Archive
Skronk wrote:
sphincter wrote:Mostly right, also you could have said something about how most of my comments don't enhance the current topic in focus and just divert onto some lesser subject which doesn't really have much to do with the important things being talked about.

I don't have to point out how you can't add to a discussion, it's obvious.

sphincter wrote:Anyway, sorry for wasting time, I'll come back when I have something better to say or perhaps that's a lie.

I'm waiting for you to say something insightful about anything. I think I'll have to wait a while.

Too right.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:41 pm
by h8 m0dems_Archive
galanter wrote:I've now been pointed via PM to CB's bye-bye. Thanks for that.

link? I missed it too...

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:13 pm
by unarmedman_Archive
It's the 6-11-07 thread. An exercise in stupidity at its highest.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:46 am
by Earwicker_Archive
galanter wrote:(2) I didn't say the reasons I listed for taking out Saddam were Bush's reasons, nor do I believe that I am in any way forced to only choose between you and George Bush.

I understand why you still think invasion of Iraq/removal of Saddam was a good thing but it seems to neglect one important fact which is why Rick has taken to writing in big bold letters like his cousin.

The fact is this - you cannot separate the action from the intent. No matter how much you might like to.

The result of the invasion is a disaster (I'd assume you agree with that?) hundreds of thousands have been killed violently as a result of the invasion (and you're right BTW those numbers are in dispute. They were probably an underestimate) millions have been displaced and the living stadard for the ordinary Iraqi seems, from where I'm sitting pretty unbearable. This means at least from my point of view that Iraqis are not better off than they were before.
This is a result of the invasion and of the intention behind the invasion. The intention was not to make life better for Iraqis it was to grab the oil and the result (of that intention) is the current mess.

Now you can add noble intentions to justify the initial invasion and had those noble intentions been the real ones things might have worked out very differently.

But they weren't the real intentions.

And instead we have a total mess.

I find it hard to believe you still think it was a good idea to invade.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:46 am
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Unblinking Eye wrote:Whether you feel the Fed is legal or not is irrelevant.

What an idiot. I think your head must contain a soggy clump of plankton and not a brain. Krill, possibly. In your ass-backwards world, you think I should commend people who rise to the head of a criminal institution. Maybe I should commend Jeffrey Dahmer next for his excellent cooking.

What a surprise, pussy. Still dancing. Stick despeately trying to change the subject.

Rick Reuben wrote:
Chairman of the Federal Reserve: From 1987 to 2006, Alan Greenspan received five consecutive four year appointments. He was followed by Ben Bernanke, now in the second year of his first four year appointment.

Out of the fourteen Federal Reserve chairmen since the FED's inception, four have been Jewish, including the two who ran the Fed during the depression, Meyer and Black.

Out of the 94 years that the US monetary system has been controlled by the Fed, a Jew has held the Chairmanship for 26 years.

You point out how many are Jewish, and are too chicken shit to back that statement up. Come on Tom, let the class know why it matters that they are Jewish. I mean, they couldn't possibly be the most qualified for the job, could they?

Here we go again. I want to give you another chance to show everyone here what a coward you are.

Please sign one of these statements.

I believe that previous Jewish leaders of the Federal Reserve are unqualified for their positions and only hold them because they are Jewish.

I believe that previous Jewish leaders of the Federal reserve are completely qualified for their positions and shouldn't be held to a different standard simply because they are Jewish.

Your continued attempts to duck this question prove to everyone what a coward you are. I can't wait for your next post, and your typical chicken shit response. You are a world class pussy. $10 bucks says you're wearing a dress right now.


Nice lips, you conspiracy theorizing cocksucker.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:47 am
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
And back to the little point of you being a cowardly hypocrite.

clocker bob wrote:
Right back at you, coward. At least I put a name on my posts ( my e-mail link ). Stay hunched over your anonymous keyboard in your anonymous basement, pretending to have an anonymous pair...

Um... I can't seem to find your email address. I can't find it in your Clocker Bob posts either. Now, explain to us why this doesn't make you a coward...or a hypocrite.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:06 am
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Unblinking Eye wrote:You point out how many are Jewish, and are too chicken shit to back that statement up. Come on Tom, let the class know why it matters that they are Jewish.

Wow, you're an idiot. You're like an Italian guy who demands that people recognize the accomplishments of great Mafia loan sharks and hit men.

You are the one who felt the need to point out they were Jewish, retard. You distinguished them from the other non-Jewish heads of the Fed, you dipshit. If your only point was that they are all criminals, you wouldn't have taken the time to give us their religious breakdown. Keep trying to duck that issue coward. Why don't you tell us again why you couldn't possibly judge the qualifications of someone who would work in the banking industry? That one makes a ton of sense.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:57 am
by big_dave_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
You are not the President. You have no army.


Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:59 pm
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote: based on one attack allegedly perpetrated by 19 Muslim hijackers

Oooh, is this the part where you tell us where the guys that are accused of the hijackings are actually still alive? I fucking love this one.

Rick Reuben wrote: If 9/11 is to be used as proof that Muslims are dangerous and that they are infected with malicious intent

uh huh.....go on.

Rick Reuben wrote:Zionism is a racist, fascist, violent doctrine.

Banking is a secretive, corrupt, criminal industry that enslaves people to debt, destroys poor economies, attaches itself like a leech to strong economies, funds wars, and shuffles money for corporate gangsters and terrorists and drug dealers. Banking is anti-human. Central Bankers are mammon-worshipping serpents who lie every time their mouths move.

Rick Reuben wrote:Many Jews associate with both Zionism and banking. Those that do are immoral and a plague upon the Earth.

If they were not well aware of how damaging true knowledge of banking and Zionism was to their scams, they would not work so hard to suppress it and intimidate that true knowledge out of existence. Your panic over my criticism of banking is more proof that many many people have something to hide. So keep it up, I beg you. The more sunlight you invite me to throw on this subject, the better.

I get it, princess. Anyone who calls you out for being anti-jew is part of the conspiracy. How convenient. Sounds vaguely familiar to those who call out the tinfoil hat brigade on their 9/11 bullshittery campaign.

Explain to me, outside of the word "many" (how many, you don't say)that you throw in every so often when describing the vast jewish conspiracy, how the Protocols of Tom are different than the Protocols of Zion.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:47 pm
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Unblinking Eye wrote:Explain to me, outside of the word "many" (how many, you don't say)that you throw in every so often when describing the vast jewish conspiracy.

It's not a vast Jewish conspiracy, you idiot, it's a vast banking conspiracy- I condemn everyone who participates in it.

Yet you only mention the religions of the Jews. I get it. Now explain to me how the Protocols of Tom are any different than the Protocols of Zion.