Pass along some love...

I pass love (is like passing wind, no? NO! Is beautiful.) to:

Matt Larcombe for taking piss of Best Albums poll.

Loretta / Rysie for taking all my shit when I was uptight, and also for having the warmest heart on a man that could be. When I killed off the stupid and short-lived mistake of alter ego called Shurat, I did so after totally and anonymously insulting Rysie's music taste. He still say "Bye!" like small child saying goodbye to imaginary friend. I felt bad, so bad. I pass you love, crazy big man.

Brett Eugene Ralph, for being always interesting, erudite (I don't think that's what I mean - er, you talk well...?), and for not replying to my PM about Middlesbrough and Cleveland. I thank you for this since I presume the more appropriate response was 'why the fuck are you telling me this? Fuck off.'

Mr Rabbit and Mr Dragon for being the originals and still the bestials.

Surfrider: I Have never spoken the speak unto you, but I only realised the other day that apart from my colleagues who lately come on here now and again (who I give love to with regularity in real time), it seems that you and I are the only ones in the frozenwastes of the north of England, between the Midlands and the Scotsland. I salute thee and pass Northern solidarity style love to you, sir.

Mr Tanx, Mr Cranius, Mr Gramsci and the other daytime companieros dancing on this septic isle. I pass you love.

Even you Johnny Shape, though I scare of you a little, you harsh abrasive bitch.

I pass love to mister TMidgett and mister Maurice for not phoning in the air strike when I fucked up seriously. And Rachel for saying something nice to me afterward.

I pass love to whole forum for being a lifeline, which should not be, but is.

And last but not least, I pass love to Mr Humphrey Bear, (aka (in my mind after seeing photograph) Kev out of Acid Reign) for being on the brunt of more uptightness than Rysie. Who the fuck am I to say how big or little you are? Yes it's annoying, but I probably am too.

As the Ozmond Ozvaughan say: I love you all!

Except for Kerble who is cold, dangerous Mark Arm killer.

Oh balls, I love you too, round face!

Pass along some love...

linus van pelt is a good fellah.
he knows why.

Bradley R. Weissenberger is my comedic hero.
i have never been so consistently amused by anyone in any format.

tmidgett's music has been a source of much enjoyment over the years.
he is also a funny man.

elsewhere - steve, bob, russ, heather, kerble, stackmatic, chapter two, the classical and grotesque (after the gramsci), scott and his many incarnations, brett eugene ralph, glynnisjohns, full point, angus jung, si-maro, rimbaud.

blame these people for me returning to this forum every day.

Pass along some love...

Rimbaud III wrote:
Peripatetic wrote:I pass love to Loretta for getting rid of Rysie.

Rysie rocked until he offered to pass some love along into my mouth.

Not cool, Rysie.


Just you wait until he finds out.

you are in for a fight young man.

I think ive come over a litlle queer.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

Pass along some love...

Michael Gregory Bridavsky! your Push-Pull handmade cd made its way to my office desk safely! thank you!

the Classical! you are old! I squeeze quacky ducks in salut.

Angus Jung! you are a great man, I value your friendship and kindness.
you have become an unstoppable juggernaut of mother jokes. You are a natural and it is a joy to watch you flourish in a field of labia-flowered mutha's day cards signed with one of your mother's fangs dipped in the placental blood of her wormy, Cheney-faced brood.

sparky and simmy and gramsci and warmoski and Cranius and connor and L'AnDrew! I am so mad about the stupid cartoon that I avoided the topic for a week and a half. I came back to it and found so much great information and insight in your writing. you are not stupid people! I can communicate with you! this is rare!

Brett Ralph! I have a folder of your poems on my desktop that I dip into when I want to read some great writing! the last couplet of "Donkey" is magnificent. I am not blowing smoke up your ass! that is your mother's job!

ryan kevin electrons rezvani and AlBaconStern! Meatwave: summer 2006.

bumble! you are the greatest! I am a better person for knowing you.

kerble is right.

Pass along some love...

I would like to pass love to bumble and _dragon and Maurice for sending me nice and thoughtful pm's, this without even knowing me.

Also, Angus Jung, for sending me a cd of his band, all across the ocean, my bonnie.

Gramsci and Linus van Pelt, for being the friendly and intelligent people that they are. Conversation is a pleasure!

And johnnyshape, for being johnnyshape, "young man".

And you, Faiz Kerble, for calling me "Lenorus". Your mind plays weird tricks on me!

Andrew L., for consistently inspired posting.

You are all great people. Hey! And I don't know any of you guys!

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