Watchmen Movie Website

ubercat wrote:
sparky wrote:Why do you people hate Alan Moore?

Obviously we don't.

He's a pigheaded writer. He's entitled to divorce himself from adaptations of his work even if he's misguided.

Obviously Alan Moore is a genius...

I know. I'm just being a pig. I don't get the excitement over the movies, but Ty answered it well enough a while back:

Ty Webb wrote:It has nothing to do with inadequacy of the source and merely the nerdy excitement to see one's imagination translated into a multi-million dollar physical reality. Fans of the source don't go to the movies hoping to see something they didn't know existed in the book. They go hoping to see with their eyes what they saw with their minds. It's not as if the movie supercedes or subsumes the book.

It'll be nice if it is a good movie. Regardless, I hope that Moore gets a big cheque which will tide him over whilst writing something else that blows our minds.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Watchmen Movie Website

richterbjack wrote:Add to that some serious rumors from the nerd underground about the ending being changed to please "the suits", and I just don't think I have much hope for this one. I'd like to be wrong.

Out of curiosity where did that rumour spill from?

I can't help but think that would be mind numbingly stupid on their part if they were to do it.

I reckon - unusually - this film will be a hit if it stays down beat.

That trailer made me wet em.
It looks fucking class.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

Watchmen Movie Website

I think the trailer is designed to make it look glossy and slick and filled with action. That is probably intended to convince non-comic-fanboy moviegoers that it is a summer action film.

This does not mean that the film will follow suit. It's not hard to piece together 45 seconds of footage in a trailer to make a film appeal to numerous different audiences. Selective editing can make The Shining look like a romantic comedy in a trailer.
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Watchmen Movie Website

115 wrote:I think the trailer is designed to make it look glossy and slick and filled with action. That is probably intended to convince non-comic-fanboy moviegoers that it is a summer action film.

This does not mean that the film will follow suit. It's not hard to piece together 45 seconds of footage in a trailer to make a film appeal to numerous different audiences. Selective editing can make The Shining look like a romantic comedy in a trailer.

This is sounding increasingly like the Obama thread :D

I think the trailer looks dark and bleak.
It has action - but the book has action.
It's a comic book about super heroes.
So it's a film about super heroes.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

Watchmen Movie Website

117 wrote:I don't know what thread you're referring to so I miss the joke. I'm not trying to imply anything other than that making judgments based on trailers is a poor idea.

The joke is that those that get teary eyed listening to Obama wax lyrical make excuses for his presentation up to the election on the hope that when he gets in he'll turn out to be just whizzer.

Fortunately the Watchmen movie is not as serious as who becomes ruler of the most powerful country in the world so I am quite looking forward to seeing if the film lives up to the promise.

I liked the trailer a lot so I'd like the film to fulfill it's promise.
I don't feel like there's any deception in it myself.

In fact - if anything - I'd say it looks darker than the book looks.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

Watchmen Movie Website

Earwicker wrote:
richterbjack wrote:Add to that some serious rumors from the nerd underground about the ending being changed to please "the suits", and I just don't think I have much hope for this one. I'd like to be wrong.

Out of curiosity where did that rumour spill from?

I can't help but think that would be mind numbingly stupid on their part if they were to do it.

I reckon - unusually - this film will be a hit if it stays down beat.

That trailer made me wet em.
It looks fucking class.

I've seen rumors on a few comic-geek minded websites that the studio wants a film that comes in at under three hours and has a different ending. It's seems the studio has been butting heads with the director over these two things.

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