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Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:09 pm
by The Code is Almighty_Archive
At this point, I'm not ruling it out.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:11 pm
by The Code is Almighty_Archive
Scratch that. The dates don't match up.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:35 pm
by Boombats_Archive
Well you know Code, those meth labs have a way of catching on fire so it could be any of a number of Juggalettes you saw.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:31 pm
by ubercat_Archive
ROFL! Thanks for the laugh!
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:23 pm
by hissem_Archive
as far as the parents googling themselves and finding this thread... just google dead baby juggalo. somehow i don't think deleting the EA thread is going to save their feelings from being hurt.
i think at my (viking) funeral i want to have one of the more epic guitar-only fucking champs songs to be played.
and if the loved ones i leave behind read posts on the internet making fun of them... well... what the fuck were they thinking shooting flaming arrows at my corpse while epic video game guitar metal blasts on a pa system on the fucking beach?
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:55 pm
by Boombats_Archive
hissem wrote:as far as the parents googling themselves and finding this thread... just google dead baby juggalo. somehow i don't think deleting the EA thread is going to save their feelings from being hurt.
i think at my (viking) funeral i want to have one of the more epic guitar-only fucking champs songs to be played.
and if the loved ones i leave behind read posts on the internet making fun of them... well... what the fuck were they thinking shooting flaming arrows at my corpse while epic video game guitar metal blasts on a pa system on the fucking beach?
Whoa dude... my funeral plan was totally
Some Swords Reprise into
ROM. You gotta be fucking with me.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:12 am
by ubercat_Archive
I've got to re-read this thread. It's making my head hurt.
Wow. I have a rant but I can't pull the trigger on it. Thanks for pointing out the search results.
I do have to say that having a baby at 350 pounds isn't a good way to play it.
tmidgett wrote:When you are fat and have bad taste in music and your child dies, it fucks you up the same as it would as if you were as awesome as some of the awesome people who have posted on this thread.
I seriously doubt they have any problems sleeping at night.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:44 pm
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
The Code is Almighty wrote:Colonel Panic wrote:She said she had called in after her "crib" burned down and they'd promised her a t-shirt but never delivered
Holy fuck, I'm starting to think that I had a run in with this girl.
The Code is Almighty, in last year's Juggalo thread wrote:I swear that I actually ran into this guy and the one on the left. ICP played the Congress Theater a couple of months ago, which is next to the moped shop.....all I can say is you really had to be there. I have never seen so many beat-up Chevy Cavaliers in my life. There was Faygo everywhere.
A few of them stumbled up to a group of us declaring how wasted they were. This guy started started bowin' up, talking about how he'd like to fight as it would sober him up. His girl is pulling him away saying "no Jack, they're not Juggalos!!
My house just burned down, I am not going to miss ICP because of you!! " They ended up not letting them in because they were too drunk. This chubby little Juggalo was walking up and down the street crying through her clown makeup because she wasn't getting into the ICP show.
I'm not about to go back and check the myspace page, but I think the father, Druggalo's name is something to the effect of John or Jack
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:52 pm
by jimmy spako_Archive
ubercat wrote:I seriously doubt they have any problems sleeping at night.
i seriously doubt your serious doubts.
let's go back to goodnaturedly making fun of each other on other threads. or goodheartedly making fun of our polish indybrothers.
this shit was played out from the beginning.
Juggalo funeral (sad content)
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:08 am
by eva03_Archive
I feel absolutely no sympathy for these two now that I found out this bitch was taking xanax and drinking the first six months she was pregnant. Too bad her child had to pay the price for her stupidity.