Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
112kerble wrote:Brian Seltzer Orchestra
I think we can upgrade this to the Pie and Seltzer Orchestra.
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
113The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:Anal Krunk
"I Hired John Wayne Gacy For Your Kid's Birthday Party"
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
114CocoRosie actually wins this thread. The name, the look, the sound - they've got it all...
Should I not make fun of them anymore? Is it old already? Because, you know, I would put them up past ICP for the clown-rap thing.
Should I not make fun of them anymore? Is it old already? Because, you know, I would put them up past ICP for the clown-rap thing.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
115Ace wrote:CocoRosie actually wins this thread. The name, the look, the sound - they've got it all...
Should I not make fun of them anymore? Is it old already? Because, you know, I would put them up past ICP for the clown-rap thing.
Wait, so do we show up at shows of each of these bands (Cocorosie, Krunktastic or whatever the fuck, and Millionaires) with weapons, 'cause we have to plan accordingly.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
116You so much as look at Coco or Rosie funny and we are gonna have serious problems
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
117electrons wrote:Clown Name Generator
Ryan Rezvani becomes:
"Zany O'Rezvy" the Clown
Which I really fucking like.
If you take a current band and put it in, you get a lame clown band name:
Shellac became shellalooza Von Yo-Yo
The Bottomless Pit became The Bstein AH-HA!
ifihadahifi became ifini Yo-Yo
The Bitter Tears became Tippytoes Von Tearsalooza
SWORDS = swordsabelle Daisy Bell
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
118kerble wrote:Creedence Clownwater Revival
Kind of like Dred Zeppelin, I like that you know exactly what you're getting here. And, like the best clown shows, this one would be scary and thrilling and funny all at once.
I would make the trip to Highwood to see these guys play the bowling alley.
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
119Marsupialized wrote:busbus wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Marsupialized wrote:Shitballz and Mr. Choo Choo
with their debut 12 inch
Gaze into the hypnotic spinning electric rectum
I have no idea how you could keep up on so many stunt myspace accounts. Cheers, good job.
Stunt accounts?
Sir, I have a keen eye for talent. Nothing more.
By the way the people rapping on these songs are actual real life Juggalos, they lived in the apartment next to me in Chicago Ridge. They gave me 3 hits of ecstacy and like an eighth of shitty brown weed to make them a bunch of rap beats and to record their demo tape.
The blah blah blah's in the begining was me making fun of them but they said 'I like that blah blah blah shit, that's dope as hell'
They called me 'Boom Hicky' for some reason, that was my honorary Juggalo name I guess. If you listen closely you can hear me being name checked in the Juggalo song. The dude on the first song was a little rat faced one and the dude on the second was a big musclehead one, he was the leader.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Our rapping clown band needs a name, as do you.
120Krunkster McFijitz's Dark Pantry
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental