what're you buyin', what's on its way?
111So, I sold a bunch of stuff to buy work clothes. I was able to spend a little gear money on gear and ordered a Smallsound/Bigsound Mini overdrive. I don't usually spend on stuff I haven't played in person, but I've wanted to try this one for a good while now. The OCD/OCD clone sounds good, but is never quite right. What the hell.Antero wrote:Yesterday I picked up a extremely clean Silvertone 1483 head, remarkable condition for something fifty five goddamn years old. Got it for an extremely reasonable price from a professional musician up in the hills who was culling his amp collection. I'm really excited - I love my 1484, I feel a strong personal connection to its whole vibe and its interaction with my weird guitar, and now I don't have to worry about it blowing up.That is cool. I always think of these but never had a chance to play one. I also get them mixed up. Is the 1483 the little bass one? How do they fare as an alternative to BF or SF Bandmasters and Bassmen? Putting the chassis of one of the little bass dudes in a 1x12 cab seems like it would be cool.