by DrAwkward_Archive
Better examples that haven't been mentioned:
Robert Johnson and the Browns: Saw them open for Melt-Banana at Fireside. They played after Kung Fu Rick. It was two guys--one of which (Robert Johnson himself, i believe) is apparently in US Maple. The non-Robert Johnson guy pretty much did all of the setting up, if i recall correctly, and then he introduced--with great pride and pleasure, making it seem like it was a real honor to introduce him--Robert Johnson. Johnson walked on stage wearing something purple and pink, i think (it's been a few years). He picked up a guitar, plugged it in, played a chord. Didn't like how it sounded, so he unplugged it and put it back, grabbing another guitar, playing the same chord, and again putting the guitar back, unsatisfied with the tone (which was indistinguishable to our ears). This happened a few more times until he decided on a guitar cased in purple velvet, and satisfied, he continued to play the same chord. Meanwhile, now that Robert Johnson had found the guitar he liked, the other guy began to accompany him by playing drums and bass simultaneously. This was about 5 minutes into the set. About 7-10 minutes in, the drummer/bassist got a bit carried away and started going kinda crazy on the drums and everything. Robert Johnson stopped playing his one chord and glared at the drummer. The drummer looked confused. Robert Johnson then flipped him off adn began playing his chord again. Seemingly hurt, confused, and dismayed, the drummer/bassist/roadie stormed off the stage as Robert continued playing his one chord. This went on for another three minutes or so.
At the point the crowd, full of dumb hardcore kids eager to circle-pit and spin-kick for Kung Fu Rick and M-B, are getting very restless and pissed. Finally, the roadie got back on stage and started playing again, and eventually they finished. Total set length: about 20-25 minutes. After the set, the roadie/drummer/bassist/buttbuddy said into the mic:
"We have gay CDs, gay t-shirts, and gay stickers. Buy them, listen to them, wear them..."
A friend i was with: "You'll be gay?"
Roadie: "That's right."
One of the best sets i've ever seen.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.