Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Thanks! It feels really good just knowing it's done and available for other people to hear it.I gotta say that the recording was relatively easy but so much "life" interfered making this release super... dramatic(?) with lineup changes, deaths, divorce, major illnesses. JFC.For whatever reason, knowing a record is finished but not "out" makes me kinda uncomfortable. Not totally sure why that is. Been sitting with that feeling for a good year or so I think. It's nice knowing that we can move on now I guess. Already started writing the next one.Big thanks to FM Scott Evans (again). Dude's solid as a gd rock. Also, fwiw, Carl Saff is not only talented af, he's a really great listener on a straight-up human level. Probably the most pleasant mastering experience I've ever had.

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