Podcasts of the Left

mrcancelled wrote:Any video channel recommendations? Philosophy Tube - left-wing politics from a British guy with a masters in philosophy. high concept vids w/ high production quality (kinda like Contrapoints)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr-ZeToI4R8Bad Mouse Productions - similar content to Mexiehttps://www.youtube.com/user/xaxie1/videosShaun - detailed and well-researched takedowns of popular alt-right talking points delivered in a calm Liverpudlian accent with dry humour.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6o36XL0CpYb6U5dNBiXHQNon Compete - underrated anti-capitalist channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkZFKKK-0YB0FvwoS8P7nHg/videosThree Arrows - sort of the German version of Shaunhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCT8a7d6S6RJUivBgNRsiYg/videos

Podcasts of the Left

jx wrote:Gramsci wrote:jx wrote:Andrew. wrote:Recently saw someone refer to the "edgelord rightwing of the left" to describe Red Scare podcast type stuff, after one of the hosts said Tucker Carlson is "way smarter" and more intellectually curious than AOC, whom she called "a dangerous idiot of legendary proportion." I guess it's a sign of the growth and popularity of the political left when even the left has a wing of self-promoting art star edgelords. Fitting that Lena Dunham is a fan even though they mock her for not being skinny.RS is awful. They're 100% locked on the left podcasters who'll go full right wing Angela NagleNagle was always a libertarian entryist. Nothing she has done in her career indicates being on the left. The assumption she on the left seems to be exclusively based on saying she is without actually looking at what she does.Muust have imagined those times she appeared on Chapo and Aufenbunga Bunga and AMber Alee Frost was her hype girlAufenbunga Bunga is run by a South African Benjamin Fogel, a self-proclaimed "best friend" of Living Marxism/Academy of Idea Libertarian activist Alex Hochuli, who like Nagle is neck deep in with cult leader Claire Fox. Ben seems a nice enough guy but like Amber has been suckered in by LM Network activists.Here's Alex Hochuli's profile:http://powerbase.info/index.php/Alex\_HochuliFor a little more on the toxic libertarianism clocking itself in Marxism read George Monbiot:https://www.monbiot.com/2003/12/09/inva ... entryists/

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Podcasts of the Left

mrcancelled wrote:Yay! My good friend Garrett was on Delete Your Account recently to talk about him and his co-workers' recent unionizing at Anchor Brewing in San Francisco. Good stuff.Oh yeah, Brace Belden was also on Chapo recently talking about the same thing, also a good and hilarious episode.I heard the successful vote happened. Congrats to all involved.

Podcasts of the Left

Greenwald is an asshole to keep going on Carlson without ever challenging Carlson's intense racism, etc. As for Nagle, she got in over her head, riding the acclaim of the Chapo leftwing podcast set. The borders piece further confirmed her as a charlatan. It's cool she spent a bunch of time on 4chan monitoring the alt-right (better her than us right?), but she's a shitty thinker who doesn't know her stuff yet seems to pretend that she's grounded in Marxist analysis when she absolutely is not. The bookish, mild-mannered Daniel Denvir, who hosts the excellent The Dig podcast distributed by Jacobin, has a scathing takedown of her borders piece in the opening monologue to this episode: https://player.fm/series/the-dig-245689 ... rd-seymourhttps://twitter.com/danieldenvir/status ... 68?lang=enDenvir later got an op-ed in the NYT on U.S. border policy (he's writing a book on U.S. migration politics titled All-American Nativism): https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/11/opin ... -wall.html

Podcasts of the Left

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote: I just don t get why everyone has such a hardon for going after Nagle.1-Her thesis in KAN that SJWs are responsible for the rise of the alt-right, as well as accusations of plagarism in said book. FWIW, I'm simply repeating the criticisms here, I have not read the book.2-Her article, On the Left Case Against Open Borders, and that the piece was published by in a right-wing, nationalist journal.3-Accusations of transphobia. (Again, I haven't followed this one very closely.) https://twitter.com/zei\_nabq/status/922916996525703168

Podcasts of the Left

I don t know, I like Aufenbunga Bunga and I don t get a libertarian vibe from them at all. I know you ve posted about LM extensively, but the only other person I ve really seen write about that was Proyect. I ll go back and read what you wrote before, I just don t get why everyone has such a hardon for going after Nagle.

Podcasts of the Left

Clyde wrote:llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote: I just don t get why everyone has such a hardon for going after Nagle.1-Her thesis in KAN that SJWs are responsible for the rise of the alt-right, as well as accusations of plagarism in said book. FWIW, I'm simply repeating the criticisms here, I have not read the book.2-Her article, "On the Left Case Against Open Borders," and that the piece was published by in a right-wing, nationalist journal.3-Accusations of transphobia. (Again, I haven't followed this one very closely.) https://twitter.com/zei\_nabq/status/922916996525703168As far as I understand it, #3 ties in to #1. I ve read that book and I think that is a reach. Re: #2, that article was clumsy but people already had it out for her by then. There were a couple of high profile leftists condemning the article while saying that no one on the left is calling for open borders, but that s not true, unless you don t consider certain strains of anarchism to be in the left. I do feel like her references to the Koch brothers (who support open borders) and Sanders (who doesn t, because of the Koch bros) were largely unanswered by the critics. Keep in mind that this particular outrage was also hot of the heels of accusations of plagarism in KAN that were thrown around by a journalist. They were totally disproven, but people kept echoing the accusations after the fact. I ve taken her appearing in that journal in the same way she appeared on Tucker Carlson and in the same way she would debate alt-right weirdos. When Richard Spencer was on the rise Nagle and others expressed a lot of disdain for how the mainstream media was completely taken for a ride by that guy. It seems to me that she thought it was a good idea to present leftist ideas to different crowds as a sort of counter argument. However when she did start to do that, you had this soft spoken Irish girl doing it and not a dude ready for a fight, like the historian who Tucker Carlson cussed out, so I think that there was a sort of complicity assumed there.

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