"pooder", "pooder2", "leecountymusic", "drumpartscounter", "thedrumpartscounter", "Amanda's Texas Underground", etc.
They're all the same seller. Used to be Amanda's Texas Underground, but was somehow in Seaford, Long Island. (as underground as you can get in Texas?) Then moved to Florida. Reportedly has a couple of storage lockers just jammed full of drums and parts, not very climate controlled, just letting them fall apart. They use she/her pronouns on their ebay profiles, but it's apparently actually a guy who uses that as a sales tactic. His name is Jonas Aaronson.
Lots of horror stories on the drum nerd forums. He likes to buy a drum from someone to complete a set, then file a complaint with ebay to bargain down the price. Then he'll turn around and sell the completed kit for something astronomical. Just notorious for acting in bad faith.
He also strips perfectly good drums and sell all the parts individually. (you get a higher price that way, as long as you don't actually care about the drums)
https://www.drumforum.org/threads/am-i- ... et.146919/
https://www.drumforum.org/threads/the-r ... der.92800/
This is actually the most complete account of who this person is I've ever seen:
https://www.vintagedrumforum.com/showth ... 446&page=8