Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?
1131wonderful. I thought the only cure was you start a studio and then it's "your job"
The studio is my job and as far as that goes, I've felt done for awhile. Aside from a pair of hypex power amps in 2019, and a new plugin now and then the studio hasn't changed at all since I built it in 2018 and I don't feel like it's lacking in any way.TylerDeadPine wrote: wonderful. I thought the only cure was you start a studio and then it's "your job"
It's a microphone. Apparently made by this guy before he got all that PBS paperseby wrote:wrf is that?
Jealous. Those things are so pricey new.four_oclocker_2.2 wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:14 am Got a good deal on a "low octave" set of crotales. Stoked.
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