Little details from your day

I spent today working in a hugh garden that sloped down pretty steeply and had to trench it. My lower back is killing me. The effort required just to stand on it all day was bad enough but the chalk bedrock that was 3" down was the real killer. Thank the lord we are going to hire some kid slave to do that part on Monday! I'm getting too old for that sort of stuff! I'm going to chomp pain killers for the rest of the evening and whimper like a girl.
Don't concentrate on the finger..

Little details from your day

If I disappear from the online sphere by the end of the day, it is because I have finally snapped and killed the painters who have been doing an absolutely shitty job of painting the four units on our property for OVER FIVE FUCKING WEEKS.

I think the window was open before when I grumbled something about, "....Mexican pieces of shit." I don't care if the bastard 3 feet away from my attempting-to-sleep body heard me.

During their sorry time painting, they have blocked my car in the garage about 90% of the time they are here, cracked our neighbour's window, wrecked our grill cover, messed with my plants, PAINTED OUR WINDOWS SHUT, and in general NOT made themselves invisible. Do you know how irritating it is to wake up at 7 AM everyday to some asshole having a shouting conversation about asinine bullshit with his co-worker? FOR FIVE WEEKS??!?

Oh, and for 4 of those weeks, they have had the screens removed from our windows, so once it's nighttime we can't leave the windows open or moths will fly in, and during the daytime it's battling the flies. This is so that they could PAINT OUR WINDOWS SHUT MORE CONVENIENTLY.

IT IS THE FUCKING WEEKEND, YOU CUNTS. I just want you gone so that I can sleep in, wake up, throw on a bikini, and go to the backyard to sun myself while reading a snooty book about how societies collapse without having to worry about being leered at by some middle aged dudes. FUCK YOU, painters.


"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

Oh great! Just when I thought that douchebag outside was done being noisy and thus allowing me to go back to sleep in the living room, he decides to have a lengthy conversation on his cellphone with someone about how much to bid on an eBay item.

"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:If I disappear from the online sphere by the end of the day, it is because I have finally snapped and killed the painters who have been doing an absolutely shitty job of painting the four units on our property for OVER FIVE FUCKING WEEKS.

I think the window was open before when I grumbled something about, "....Mexican pieces of shit." I don't care if the bastard 3 feet away from my attempting-to-sleep body heard me.

During their sorry time painting, they have blocked my car in the garage about 90% of the time they are here, cracked our neighbour's window, wrecked our grill cover, messed with my plants, PAINTED OUR WINDOWS SHUT, and in general NOT made themselves invisible. Do you know how irritating it is to wake up at 7 AM everyday to some asshole having a shouting conversation about asinine bullshit with his co-worker? FOR FIVE WEEKS??!?

Oh, and for 4 of those weeks, they have had the screens removed from our windows, so once it's nighttime we can't leave the windows open or moths will fly in, and during the daytime it's battling the flies. This is so that they could PAINT OUR WINDOWS SHUT MORE CONVENIENTLY.

IT IS THE FUCKING WEEKEND, YOU CUNTS. I just want you gone so that I can sleep in, wake up, throw on a bikini, and go to the backyard to sun myself while reading a snooty book about how societies collapse without having to worry about being leered at by some middle aged dudes. FUCK YOU, painters.



In my recent experience, painters can be incredibly obnoxious, blithering assholes.

I sympathize with you, Ms. Mandroid. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Little details from your day

burun wrote:
burun wrote:I came home at 4:30 AM, and woke up at 1 pm.

I just did my hair and it looks fucking amazing.


Amazing hair is the best.

It's about 100 degrees here today. My hair is in braids. That's as good as it gets during the summer.

Long hair sucks when it sticks to you.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

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