Recommend me some metal!

m.koren wrote:Three Inches of Blood. They're outta Vancouver.

They're a hell of a lot of fun. Completely over the top, but don't come off as snide irony-humpers. I saw them open for Metal Church at a small joint in NYC a couple years ago and they blew the doors off the place.

Their drummer is from another damn good band called Goatsblood.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Recommend me some metal!

I didn't read through all the pages, so excuse me if this has been mentioned:


Excellent German early '90s 'art metal' I guess... elements of, say, Gore or other non-makeup/non-ritual-focused heaviness. Short hair. No costumes. Juicy.

By the way, if anyone has the first two albums (red/blue covers), I'd love to hear them again! PM?

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