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TV show: Heroes

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:57 pm
by Hexpane_Archive
Chromodynamic wrote:

Parkman isn't as much of a dope as he was last season, which is nice.

was the parkman "cheating" a rip on the Patriots? can't be, that had to be shot months ago yeah?>

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:06 pm
by Tom_Archive
Yeah, he is a douchebag... but keep in mind, he is a stupid high school school kid and they say stupid shit like that all the time. It's actually some of the more realistic dialouge I've seen.

Episode was a little weak, but the first one of the last season was too. give it time to build.

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:43 pm
by kenoki_Archive
Chromodynamic wrote:Claire's new.. uh, love interest? What a fucking douchebag; his diatribe about robots and aliens made me want to vomit. The only redeeming feature about him is the mildly sinister undertone that is established in the graphic novel, I can hope he gets the shit beat out of him.

Yeah, what a douche. Unfortunate casting considering most if not all of their male actors are pretty good. Maybe it's that he's a 27 year old playing 17; he comes off as out of touch and a little creepy. But who knows, maybe that's the plan. Maybe he'll die or is an asshole, after all is there really room for two flying good guys?

Maya and Alejandro were decent.


Nathan is an awesome drunk.

Doubly agreed. And it was kinda cool when they showed his reflection all burnt. I can't wait to see what's up with his mom and the older generation of Heroes. Not to mention what happened with Peter.

Hiro's story has indeed been watered down and although it's conceivable that the Japanese language in 1671 would be different, it would probably be no more difficult to understand than the varying dialects they have over there nowadays. I won't write it off just yet, not until I find out what Kensei's power is.

I'm thinking Kensei has no power and Hiro was responsible for all the legends. That or I guess the eclipse could have somehow unlocked his power and Hiro is merely his guide. Either way it's fun to see Sark from Alias on this show. He's good. I would like to see him incorporated into the future at some point with powers.

I'm kind of bummed we didn't find out what Kaito's power was, if he even had one.

Some spoilers say he isn't dead, but they could be totally off. I want to know what the other faction is all about.

And what about the new head of the company?................ Some spoilers also suggest that he is Uluuru! But then he's already shown that his ability is to turn things into gold... so who knows.

Either way I thought this was a pretty good episode but I hope they get better.

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:26 am
by unarmedman_Archive
I'm thinking Kensei has no power and Hiro was responsible for all the legends. That or I guess the eclipse could have somehow unlocked his power and Hiro is merely his guide. Either way it's fun to see Sark from Alias on this show. He's good. I would like to see him incorporated into the future at some point with powers.

About halfway through last season I said to my wife "ya know, I think Hiro is Kensei, he just goes back in time and starts this whole thing"

So far, so true.

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:20 am
by wellsyuk_Archive
If this first episode is anything to go by, it's going down the pan. What's with all that lame samurai crap storyline with the English bloke. And they're just rehashing the cheerleader storyline again as that was the big draw in the 1st season. Maybe Silar and/or the Petrelli's can pull it back but hmm

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:43 am
by Josef K_Archive
We just got Christopher Eccleston's first appearance last night.

On the whole it's pretty shitty, like Lost. Unsatisfying eye candy.

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:01 pm
by Hexpane_Archive
I didnt realize Petrilli is fucking 30 years old in real life and he is banging Hayden P.. who just turned 18

thats pretty creepy IMO

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:18 pm
by kenoki_Archive
the 30-18 thing i can live with. that he plays her uncle is what weirds me out. i know in my mind that it is just a t.v. show but it still gives me the heeby jeebies.

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by Hexpane_Archive
Well it wasn't a bad episode but the Kenjei Hiro storyline became obscenely cliche.

Hiro pulled the "Hey look I'm going to make you fall in love w/ me by being brave, only I am tricking you to fall in love w/ someone else! Sacrificing my own sexual needs (even tho I seem really gay)"

Could it be any more predictable? Ohh look the blonde guy has healing powers, like the blonde girl.. in the FUTURE!@

I give it a 6.5/10

TV show: Heroes

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:23 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
It was pretty predictable, but there was a big four-person cheer in my living room when the Haitian ended up in the copy store at the end of the episode.

Give it time to develop; i remember finding the first two or three episodes of season one pretty ordinary as well. I don't think it was until Claire woke up on the autopsy table with her chest flayed open that i thought, "holy shit!"