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Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair - Page 13 - Premier Rock Forum

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Because homicide bombers are exactly that. You don't see them on a mission of killing only themselves.

Orwell- I respect attempt to criticize Communism and totalitarianism but I think he missed the target with his novels. His books bored the shit out of me.

God, here's a news flash: FOX NEWS has an agenda. Here's another one: so does CNN, NPR and the BBC. Which is the most objective? I personally like the BBC. They quoted a European citizen calling Muslims nihilists. No spineless American news outlet would edit that in, not even FOX, except for maybe capmag.com which is all editorial.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

scott wrote:
jlamour wrote:I explained why language doesn't influence thought. Refute it, don't just call me stupid.

If your goal is to be an actual thinkin man, as opposed to a guy who thinks up absurd things to say so that he might "troll", then you have failed miserably.

I meant refute the idea. BTW, I'm not fishing for a fight. I've been personally attacked in this thread many times, yet I'm the one accused of 'trolling'. Go figure.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

jlamour wrote:God, here's a news flash: FOX NEWS has an agenda. Here's another one: so does CNN, NPR and the BBC. Which is the most objective? I personally like the BBC. They quoted a European citizen calling Muslims nihilists. No spineless American news outlet would edit that in, not even FOX, except for maybe capmag.com which is all editorial.

Exactly my point. News outlets have an agenda and attempt to use language to shape news narratives to meet those agendas. I happened to cite FOX and the Republicans because they're examples are the most obvious and egregious today, but of course other media outlets do it as well.

I'll repeat your quote for you:

They quoted a European citizen calling Muslims nihilists. No spineless American news outlet would edit that in, not even FOX, except for maybe capmag.com which is all editorial.

Right there you're citing examples of how media outlets edit or otherwise manipulate language in order to push their agendas and shape the way people think. You're proving my point for me.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

They quoted a European citizen calling Muslims nihilists. No spineless American news outlet would edit that in, not even FOX, except for maybe capmag.com which is all editorial.

Right there you're citing examples of how media outlets edit or otherwise manipulate language in order to push their agendas and shape the way people think. You're proving my point for me.

And my point as well, but I guess everything is fine in a world where, when proven completely incorrect about somehting, one can just hide behind the meaningless retort 'Stick to the ideas and refute them'.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

jlamour wrote:Because homicide bombers are exactly that. You don't see them on a mission of killing only themselves.

Orwell- I respect attempt to criticize Communism and totalitarianism but I think he missed the target with his novels. His books bored the shit out of me.

God, here's a news flash: FOX NEWS has an agenda. Here's another one: so does CNN, NPR and the BBC. Which is the most objective? I personally like the BBC. They quoted a European citizen calling Muslims nihilists. No spineless American news outlet would edit that in, not even FOX, except for maybe capmag.com which is all editorial.

Actual news organization use the term "suicide bombers" because it has the most informational value. "Homicide bombers" is ridiculous because non-homicide bombers are so rare as to make the term uselessly redundant. Fox might as well call them "explosion bombers."

Which major American news outlets are run by presidents with career backgrounds that are primarily in party politics? Which ones have a carefully maintained self-image of giving voice to an otherwise-neglected section of the political spectrum? Which ones have a vice-president of news who distributes internal memos to shape coverage according to one party's talking points? Here's a hint: only one.

All news organizations have opinion creep into coverage. That is not the same as starting out with an institutional political point of view communicated from the top down to all employees. That's what an agenda is. A bunch of opinions held by some reporters isn't the same thing.

No one (least of all those who run Fox News or watch it) would try to say with a straight face that Fox's non-editorial news coverage isn't more driven by political agenda than that of any other major news outlet (let's say the three networks, CNN, NYT, WaPo, even NPR). I bet you can't even type it with a straight face.
"It's like I'm in a rocket ship."

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:
rick reuben wrote:It is socialism that exalts the will of the collective

big_dave wrote:Socialism doesn't acknowledge that a collective exists. Socialism is concerned with the interplay of lots of smaller social groups.

Idiot. What organism do you think is created by the 'interplay' of smaller groups? A collective. Marx is laughing at you, Davey.
It was Marx who finally fettered the two ideas of Socialism and Democracy together because he developed a theory which made the synthesis possible for the first time. The heart of the theory is this proposition: that there is a social majority which has the interest and motivation to change the system, and that the aim of socialism can be the education and mobilization of this mass-majority. This is the exploited class, the working class, from which comes the eventual motive-force of revolution. Hence a socialism-from-below is possible, on the basis of a theory which sees the revolutionary potentialities in the broad masses, even if they seem backward at a given time and place.

Where did you get that quote from. It seems pretty inaccurate/weirdly translated.

"Socialism-from-below"? What is that? "Mass-majority"? These are not terms used by Marx.

You seem to be confused by the Marxian idea of the "totality", that is the entire structure of society, the sum of all classes and effects. This is not the same as "collective".

Socialism doesn't acknowledge that a collective exists.

Well see, it doesn't because Socialism is the discussion of different social groups, not a collective. The article you quoted is someone's description of Socialism to fit your (ahistorical) definition, and even that doesn't use the word "collective".

Seeing as you are dead-set on the "Marxism = Socialism" line of thinking, Marx divides society up into classes. He divides the psychology of men into Hegelian drives, objects and awareness (dialectics). He finally (and crucially) divides the economy into a "base" and a "structure". His politics is the inter-related-ness of these factors. Which is to say, he is denying that there is one collective unitying a nation, or one collective being to society. What is objective and singular to Marx is the material history of the world.

Do not take this as my undying love of Karl Marx, or that I think he was correct. I am just trying to sum up how his works differ from the collectivism you may have read about in science fiction novels and websites about free energy and UFOs.

If you want to go ahead and pretend that the socialist/marxist term "totality" = "the collective" = "the masses", go on. It doesn't hurt anyone, just makes it painfully clear that you haven't read anything that isn't on a website stuffed to the gills with comics sans and photoshops of Dick Cheney's head on Stalin's body.

If anyone is interested in a non vulgar-Marxist version of this, I recommend Raymond William's "Culture and Society" and "The Long Revolution".

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

jlamour wrote:There is a rift that exists in the field of climatology on whether or not global warming is even occuring.

If you mean that of the thousands of people who have devoted their lives and intellects to the subject, there are a couple who maintain some lingering skepticism about details, okay, then there's a "rift." The consensus is stronger on man-made global warming than on any other climatological phenomenon other than rain comes from clouds. Your position is the equivalent of anti-evolutionism in biology or "We didn't go to the moon, it's a hoax" in aeronautics.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
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