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Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:31 pm
by Earwicker_Archive
numberthirty wrote:I've seen rumors on a few comic-geek minded websites that the studio wants a film that comes in at under three hours and has a different ending. It's seems the studio has been butting heads with the director over these two things.
That the studio wants that is about as surprising as if the sun were to come up tomorrow.
But is there rumour that they might have got that?
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:24 pm
by Graham Hick_Archive
I think it will look awesome but am skeptical about it remaining true to the story and themes. V For Vendetta looked great but missed the whole point of the book. V wasn't a communist, V was an anarchist.
So if they change the point of Watchmen, which is that we are all related and should be working together to realize our full potential and evolve (as personified by Dr. Manhattan) and not hurting and taking advantage of each other like the simple animals we evolved from (as personified by the Comedian), but unfortunately most likely never will be able to unless we realize that we all face the same threat, then I will have to call CRAP.
Until then it looks like a sweet pair of tits and I am excited.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:27 pm
by richterbjack_Archive
Earwicker wrote:numberthirty wrote:I've seen rumors on a few comic-geek minded websites that the studio wants a film that comes in at under three hours and has a different ending. It's seems the studio has been butting heads with the director over these two things.
That the studio wants that is about as surprising as if the sun were to come up tomorrow.
But is there rumour that they might have got that?
This is as best as I remember the period before Snyder came onto the Watchmen project:
David Hayter's screenplay (circa 2003-2004, around the time that Paul Greengrass was slated to direct) did away with the U.S.-Soviet plot, transporting it to a modern day setting. As a result of this and possible studio concern over "post-9/11 sensitivity" and blah blah blah, the ending was changed from the novel version.
Interestingly enough, David Hayter is still listed as a co-writer on the film, along with Alex Tse. It's probable that significant parts of his old screenplay were retained, perhaps even the new ending.
I stopped paying attention to the development of this film a few years ago, when I realized that I didn't actually want to see the novel adapted for the screen. If somebody who has been paying attention knows I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:18 pm
by ubercat_Archive
The script used a few elements of the Haytner/Tse rewrite - otherwise the 'script' is in Snyder's hands in the form of the comic.
I believe the reason for the script credits is so they don't get sued. I'm pretty sure they just scrapped the Haytner/Tse script.
And in the Haytner/Tse the end was changed to a laser attack on DC.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:36 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:They're not going to market the thing as a brooding contemplation of authoritarianism and social ennui. They've still got to put asses in seats. Hence this cut of the trailer.
But go ahead make the fanboy judgment from the trailer. Better seat in the theater for me.
Far play. Not so much a fan-boy judgement, just inevitable disappointment. Just let me moan and ignore it!
You’re right though, I should divorce it and myself from the whole thing as it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be and the books are still fine up there on the shelf as it were... there’s just something about that hack director that rubs me up the wrong way. And Billy Corgan? There’s no excuse for that shit!
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:53 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
The Billy Corgan thing is a disappointment, but I bet they got that song cheap.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:11 pm
by Robert G_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:The Billy Corgan thing is a disappointment, but I bet they got that song cheap.
If you ignore the vocals, it actually sounds pretty good for what it is - a song in a film trailer. But I guess it didn't dawn on DC or Warner to edit the vocals out.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by ubercat_Archive
Robert G wrote:Ty Webb wrote:The Billy Corgan thing is a disappointment, but I bet they got that song cheap.
If you ignore the vocals, it actually sounds pretty good for what it is - a song in a film trailer. But I guess it didn't dawn on DC or Warner to edit the vocals out.
The guy hired to write the score hasn't written it yet. I expect all the music to be made for the film. No pop bullshit that'll date the movie.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:01 pm
by punch_the_lion_Archive
CGI is good in moderation. This thing looks like it will be excessive. Also, it just looks boring. A trailer is suppose to tease you with something interesting . A boner? hardly.
Watchmen Movie Website
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:58 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
After finally seeing the trailer, i can't believe no one's asked the obvious question here: did they smooth out Dr. Manhattan's junk for the trailer to make it suitable for all audiences, or will he be an atomic eunuch in the movie as well?
I think this is a serious question that could give us insight into how faithful to the source material Snyder really is striving to stay.