ho hum
Like I say it amuses me to wind you up.
I've made no private requests for you or anyone else to act like a grown up but I enjoy highlighting what a hypocritical jizz mop you are.
You can dream about me stalking you if you like but while I was trying to find that quote i was surprised about how many posts you'd planted on here in the last few weeks. Given it's all such a waste of time that mildly surprised me.
Only mildly though.
I mean - shouldn't you be giving someone a shin up onto the the debt mountain or something?
Anyways, I'm off to bed now.
Carry on
Heston s dead.
123clocker bob wrote:ktone wrote: I think you'll also find that more often the statistics will support that cultural, language, economic, religious and other human inventions are likely greater cause of discourse than race.
Pure racism is a factor in increased violence, and so are prejudices that originate from differences in language, culture, and religion, like you said. I still say that Heston's point was accurate and not a racist statement- as more people live among other people who have lifestyles ( or ethnicities ) that they are unfamiliar with or too lazy/ignorant to understand, the more defensive people become, and this stresses them out and increases the odds that conflicts will escalate.
I think racism is some kind of... collective narcisism.
The answer to racism is the construction of the individuality.
People constructing their individual identities through elective affinities and, as a result, a conscious commitment to a specific image of self, not a collective self-image
Heston s dead.
124Mark Lansing wrote:second-rate movie star
This guy was Moses and fought apes! Second-rate? Hardly. Will Penny is one of the most underrated Westerns also. Great stage actor as well. Not Crap. Who cares about an entertainers politics?
Heston s dead.
125That would kinda depend on the politics, I guess.
If the "celebrity" in question donates money to NAMBLA or trains fighting dogs, I wouldn't want to support anything they're even remotely associated with.
If the "celebrity" in question donates money to NAMBLA or trains fighting dogs, I wouldn't want to support anything they're even remotely associated with.