Obama s VP.

Rick Reuben wrote:Inside a Washington Post article today on that spy Doug Feith's failure to show up and testify, there is more evidence of why you will not see Colin Powell as Obama's VP:

Just remember, you're gonna owe the food bank depository $500.

Please get a receipt.

From The Page (Time):

Novak Sees Colin Powell Defection to Obama

Conservative columnist/Prince of Darkness says:

“McCain strategists. . .wince in anticipating headlines generated by Powell’s expected endorsement of Obama.”

“Powell probably will enter Obama’s camp at a time of his own choosing.”

The Page float: Powell as the surprise keynote speaker at the Democrats’ convention in Denver.

My float: Obama/Powell '08

Obama s VP.

Rick Reuben wrote:
tmidgett wrote:Just remember, you're gonna owe the food bank depository $500.

Are you offering to contribute somewhere if it doesn't happen?

I'm not that confident. Just confident enough to keep mentioning him in hopes that I'll luck out and look like I know what I'm talking about.

Did Time really call Novak 'Prince of Darkness' or did you add that? I thought Richard Perle was the prince of darkness.

They did. It was linked to something or other, so the link probably explains that reference.

Obama s VP.

Webb said he's out.

I think it's Evan Bayh or Wesley Clark. I'm really surprised that Bayh as VP chatter has been largely non-existant.

Sebelius is probably on the short list, but she's still a long shot with Clinton in the picture.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Obama s VP.

Minotaur029 wrote:Webb said he's out.

I think it's Evan Bayh or Wesley Clark. I'm really surprised that Bayh as VP chatter has been largely non-existant.

Sebelius is probably on the short list, but she's still a long shot with Clinton in the picture.

Clark is definitely out. He's not prepared to run for national office.

Bayh is dull as dishwater, but I suppose he's on someone's list.

Sebelius, I don't think he'll put a woman on the ticket, out of deference to HRC.

Feeling fine about my Powell prediction. If he comes out for Obama in the next couple weeks, I'll feel extra good about it.

That would give them time to make sweet love to each other for a few news cycles, give Powell some time to get his feet wet campaigning, and then Obama can realize that he's found his new running mate. In a magical, sudden, unexpected way that can only take months to plan.

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