by cneutron_Archive
Atom 9 of Conan Neutron and the Secret Friends' Protons and Electrons split 7 series is now streaming and available for preorder on Bandcamp. $8 for the 7, plus shipping (ships next month), $2 to buy digital, free to listen.This one is interesting because, like the first one, it features Mr. Tony Ash on bass on both sides. Cheap Sleaze is the name of the band, and this is their first official release. A hell ass rock/punk band. The Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends song is Cop Knock, as always it's Conan Neutron on vocals and guitar, Tony Ash on bass, and Dale Crover on drums. This song also features an awesome guitar lead courtesy of Rick Valentin of Poster Children and Thoughts Detecting Machines. CS offers up a 1-2 punch of Freeze Queen and Troll Trap. recorded at a little ol' place called Electrical Audio you may have heard of.artwork by the incredible Plastic Flame Press, as always.
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.