Not being a member of The Coastal Elite with a subscription to The New York Times, I might as well be, right?
Re: "That's it for me" redux.
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:22 pm
by Dovira
I was referring to them paywalling the article... failed joke
Re: "That's it for me" redux.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 7:25 am
by Dovira
The Yeoman Ghost wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:17 amIf you were to show 100 people both this video and that Black Eyed Peas video with the sound muted, and ask them, “Do you think these songs probably sound similar or different?” I have a feeling you’d end up with 100 very incredulous people when the audio is turned up.
Behind a paywall, that I can't access. Which is just as well.
It's about world's third-highest paid living artist and crypto-Banksy "Beeple" and the trite and mediocre digital images he cranks out.
Re: "That's it for me" redux.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:53 pm
by DaveA
Anthony Flack wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:40 pmcrypto-Banksy
Can't judge without having seen the work, but in 2022, most things with the prefix "crypto" don't bode well, do they?
Re: "That's it for me" redux.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:32 pm
by Anthony Flack
It's a funny thing, crypto art, because the average crypto bro's idea of art is basically a 3d rendering of a golden Elon Musk with bitcoins for eyes doing a viral meme, that looks like just the worst thing you ever saw. I think it was like that on purpose.
I like it better than any Skinny Puppy song I've ever heard.
I just can't get into Skinny Puppy for some reason. I mean I love Front 242 a lot, maybe to much, and I just got into Nitzer Ebb after buying their box set so there is that. Every five years or so I try but it just dosn't click with me. Light years better than KMFDM or Sister Machine Gun but still no.
Sorry Koko!