Little details from your day

Recently saw one of the better WTF comments I've seen on youtube:

"Every time you listen to Swans...God rapes a bad musician."

Left on a "video" where they just have a song playing with an image there. This was the first in a series of 50 detailing some top 50 list Kurdt Kobayyane made. The Young God EP came in at 50.

So I'm going through the list now out of curiosity. Let it not be said that Kurt Cobain had bad taste. This is a pretty good list. Not fantastic, but pretty good. (I just don't get the love for that Beat Happening album Jamboree; for the record I just don't get the love for Beat Happening in general, really.)
Last edited by SecondEdition_Archive on Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Little details from your day

Lonesome Bulldog wrote:
Steve V. wrote:Last night, I was sitting with a bunch of friends who started in on me on why I supposedly hate everything. It was really uncomfortable. It always starts when I say one negative thing about one lame rock band. Like Sublime. Fuck Sublime. And I just get mountains of shit for having interests that are intolerable on their end.

Just weird and lame. You think people are your friends and then you feel like you're a novelty.

Anyone in Chicago want a roommate?

I had a GF who chided me for the same type thing, especially when I hated on Green Day. Eventually I learned that even though I was criticizing the bands, she felt the edge of my barbs. I kind of made her afraid to enjoy some stuff because I had such a harsh view of popular music. Maybe your crew is taking it personally.

You are doing fine though Steve. Most everything I've read from you has been cool and level, except when you're talking about your friends. Maybe you're just growing out of your peer group. It's a natural thing for smart young people.

Now go deflate your head.

I never really go off, I try to operate on an indifferent, even keel. Problem is, yes, this must be how everyone around me feels. I guess I've never had a problem with people taking issue with my music, literature, etc. etc. because it is bigger than their opinions of it to me. To them, I assume when I call Bradley Nowell a doped-out stoner fuck who made bad ska/reggae tolerable for suburban doped-out-stoner fucks, they get really offended. That is of course an exaggeration, I have never been that extreme in my comments.

Oh, and Kayte, I could cause internal damage with my cobbler. Internal damage that makes you a better person.

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