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Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:40 am
by Get dog costumes_Archive
Robert G wrote:Already, I have stabbed myself with a knife this morning while making breakfast. Nothing serious. it's just a prick, not even bleeding, but it stings a bit still.

Breakfast included:

One big ol' pancake
4 slices of thick-sliced, peppered bacon
3 good-sized sausage patties
a mug of Swiss Miss French Vanilla hot chocolate with some marshmellows to boot.

The bleeding's probably a good thing. It waters down the cumulative breakfast experience, which by the looks of it could kill you with an overdose of awesome.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:52 am
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
H-GM wrote:
The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:if I could find a way to build a hot-dog rickshaw, like the weiner-mobile...

That would be dope.

My friend Jason Trusty built a Puppet Bike. Maybe you've seen it downtown. I haven't seen it in almost a year, but you should think about collaborating with that dude.

My friend Mike King does the Puppet Bike too, they have to be in on it together. Mike King, also, is a pedicabber and all around good mensch.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:28 am
by enframed_Archive
i am eating grapes in my office and i dropped one. i can't find it.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:05 pm
by Kayte_Archive
Just had a great idea:
Drinking Math Club
Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something!

Who's in?

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:05 pm
by H-GM_Archive
Math is hard.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:13 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
you get some, then it goes away again.

Got my raise to go along with my new position and the additional responsibilities inherent to it.

Don't know when it goes into effect.

Last night, in the wake of the Vintage Fender Speaker Demolition Derby of the other day, my Focusrite Mic Pres crapped out.

This morning, the Honda wouldn't start.

The old Ford pickup I use in emergencies has a sticking needle valve in the carb that causes it to flood the bowls of the carb until it's staggering and trying to flood out and die. This is great fun in traffic.

For those of you counting, yes, with the '72 Dart, that's three cars. I have a lot of land. They're all paid for and don't cost anything to insure.

Unfortunately, my plan (of having a bunch of cars so I can just Pony Express them when one goes down) is kind of an albatross when none of them are working well enough to be dependable.

this is me thinking about finally breaking down and financing something Toyota-ish and pickup-like.

I hate spending money I don't have. I don't have any payments beyond my mortgage. I'd like to keep it that way.

It's bumming me out today.

Even the Albini "In Color" sessions aren't cheering me up, and that almost NEVER fails.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:36 pm
by PEPPER!_Archive
Kayte wrote:Just had a great idea:
Drinking Math Club
Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something!

Who's in?

I am not very advanced at math but I think it would be fun . . .

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:57 pm
by Steve V_Archive
I'm sorry Ringo.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:35 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Steve V. wrote:I'm sorry Ringo.

It's not such a big deal.

Samurai Rock Band is doing the trick.

It's getting better.

Little details from your day

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:55 pm
by Kayte_Archive
PEPPER! wrote:
Kayte wrote:Just had a great idea:
Drinking Math Club
Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something!

Who's in?

I am not very advanced at math but I think it would be fun . . .

Well I got the idea from us and Col P drunkenly doing geography geometry (aka "how far is the nearest beer store")

It wouldn't have to be hard math, and we could incorporate a laptop and the internet for the problems nobody has a clue about.

( Math + Drinking ) X Group of people = ?