Ok, joke s over... FUCK Sonic Youth.
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:19 am
Dianogah and Lucasfilm or Hasbro?
Flaneur wrote:Colonel Panic wrote:Personally, I prefer Dunkin' Donuts' coffee to Starbucks, and they're the world's largest vendor of single cups of coffee, selling 2.8 million cups per day... that's over 32 cups per second for every second in every day. Would it be as inappropriate for a band to partner with Dunkin' Donuts?
Far, far, far more so, because of the second of those three partners in this press release.
Colonel Panic wrote: Big fucking whip. Yeah, it's crass commercialism, but it's not like they're aligning themselves with Halliburton or something.
steve wrote:I guess you just need to decide where our douche threshhold ought to lie.
gio wrote:John W. wrote:Silver Jews and Krispy Kreme?
I think Throbbing Gristle is a better match for Krispy Kreme.
steve wrote:losthighway wrote:1. Sonic Youth's last three albums are better then any album you have ever made.
Care to wager on that? Let's put together a panel of listeners and I'll take my chances. How's $1000 even money sound?
gcbv wrote:There is NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, inherently positive about a large scale corporate entity moving into thousands, I repeat THOUSANDS, of neighborhoods across the U.S., with the oddly interesting attributes of a virus, whose intent is to "conquer" (their language) and put other smaller, locally owned coffee businesses out on their ass.
hogrot wrote:anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to sell out should shut up. it's easy to be on the outside looking in and snipe at something like this. if it rubs you the wrong way don't buy it. easy as that. seems like the people most upset about it wrote sonic youth off years ago anyway.
hogrot wrote:me personally I think I could avoid putting my music in bed with a person or company offering big money and repugnant ethics. but it's easy for me to say that because i won't ever have the opportunity.
hogrot wrote:I see alot of this as a fallout from punk and diy ideals, like you're supposed to avoid success at all costs. it's like a clocker bob bourgeois conspiracy against the pleebs.