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Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:10 pm
by amybugbee_Archive
32 -- you're a bunch of young punks!
Saw Alice in Chains open for some big metal tour.... A million years ago. All the other bands were old -- maybe Anthrax and Megadeth or something -- I'm old I get confused.
Alice in Chains got boo'ed. It was Great!
I was like their only fan then.
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:20 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
itchy mcgoo wrote:31.
I'm definitely more of a dick. I value my time too much to indulge nonsense. I spend more time alone. I am more focussed on what I wish to learn and do a lot more than collect the surface-scraping summaries I used to try and pass as knowledge. I listen more. Definitely more judgemental. This impedes tail pulling, which I am more than fine with.
Sorry, no sale.
A dick? Please.
You're adorable, and fuckin' cool as fuckin' ten fuckin' things, fuckin' McGoo.
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:37 pm
by Lemuel Gulliver_Archive
31. I feel really old. Was it you Alex who said your 30s were way better than your 20s? Christ alive!, I hope that's true.
I feel tired and more apathetic than I did when it looked cool to look so. I wish I could be more focused on the important stuff but I'm not. I am for the 'fun' stuff: music--playing it, improving my own, finding new--spending my time with my dog, and over-analyzing TV shows like I should be my readings. I now wish I had become a doctor which was something that wasn't even on my mind when one thinks of those sorts of things. At least something practical, so I could have some money, be free of debt, take the metal out of my knee, and be able to participate in extracurricular activities without running up my debt.
When did everyone go through the big regret and sense of doom phase?
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:41 pm
by zom-zom_Archive
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:11 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
When I turned 30 I was all braced for that "I should have/shouldn't have X" moment that everyone supposedly gets.
Y'know, the "I should have quit school and played in a band," or "I should have gone home with that loopy stripper in Pensacola" or "I should have quit that job and told that guy to go fuck himself...."
but I'd done all that.
The only thing I regretted was not paying my '97 taxes. Got that taken care of about three years ago.
If you're 30 and you're looking around thinking "Damn, look at all this stuff I should have done," just start doing it. You'll probably have better luck now that you would have when you were 25 ANYWAY.
Not trying to sound like a Stewart Smalley moment here, just saying...
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:27 pm
by amybugbee_Archive
Many of you are looking at this the wrong way. So you aren't a kid anymore - I was a teenager until I was 27 at least - I wrung that mother out! Now as I near 40 I could be freaking out, but why?
31 was bad, 35 was bad, I felt like "oh no I am not a kid anymore", but now I just turned 38 and I feel great!
I feel like people take me seriously, young people come to me for answers --- and ya know, I actually feel like I have some!
It's all about what you are doing with your days - any one of us could be dead tomorrow so stop procrastinating your goals and go for it.
Your 30s are the Now or Never years!
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:29 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Lemuel Gulliver wrote:When did everyone go through the big regret and sense of doom phase?
I been feeling like that all my life.
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:32 pm
by otisroom_Archive
cwendeld wrote:Dude! I'm 32 too. Alice In Chains were fuckin rad.
Yes they were Rad. But Dave Jerden is a douche bag junkie.
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:40 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
Lemuel Gulliver wrote:31. I feel really old. Was it you Alex who said your 30s were way better than your 20s? Christ alive!, I hope that's true.
That was me.
At 39, things are still going well. Stuff just falls into place a little at a time in your 30's if you let it.
You stop caring about the bullshit and you devote your time to the handful of things that really matter to you. I've never been happoer as a musician and I love my job.
Start living your life though, because you're not getting any younger.
I sure as hell don't live like a typical 39 year old. I have no desire to.
Post if you re over 30 thread
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:39 am
by diego_Archive
I'm 32 but I still look like I'm 23 or something....