being a pot head

Total votes: 108 (68%)
not crap
Total votes: 50 (32%)
Total votes: 158

being a pot head

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Reefer, as I see it, is the enemy of depth. And because being a great writer and having a healthy relationship with a woman are the two most important things in the world to me, giving up pot (and everything else) to help me better succeed in those endeavors was one of the easiest decisions I ever made.

I am only an occasional self-enabler, and since (at school) I don't live with or associate too closely with the grass afficionado, getting high is a rare thing for me indeed.

I have experienced this strange intellectual "stretching" sensation, and all the delusions of grandeur and doom that seep in with it, and I must say that while I enjoy being stoned, I KNOW that it is bad for me. Luckily, marijuana is not something that lurks on the outskirts of my mind. Therefore, I will continue to use it with caution, remaining alert to any signs of overzeal and/or the belief that it makes me an undiscovered relative of God and Shakespeare.

being a pot head

I love love love the ganja like a pet animal, however that animal is a python. If I played with it all the time it'd choke my ass.

Basically, I find that the less I smoke, the more enjoyable it is. This is coming from a guy who used to roll quarter-ounce jammys of the Humboldt Bananaback with a core of bubble hash. What a waste, wish I still had all that weed that just smoked up into the air and stuck to my nose-hairs. I'd still have weed. Mmm, weed.

Where am I? Sorry, got lost...

being a pot head

Hmmm. I don't really care either way but the stoners I know from a former life often piss me off. 'Hey dude this guy gave me an awesome song by this dude called Neil Young, you have to check him out' Errr yeah, that guy was me, about 3 years ago, stop spending your money on pot and buy some music. Some of them reckon you can't appreciate music without it and every night ends up at a debate about whether Led Zep are better than Experience and other such pointless crap. God damn it.

being a pot head

Smoking pot: not crap
Labeling yourself a "pot head": crap

Most of the people I've met who refer to themselves as "potheads" were pseudo-philosophical idiots who listened to terrible music; which ranged from awful black metal garbage to Phish and Tom Petty hippy nonsense. They were usually, despite their forced attempt to seem "worldly" and calm, culturally myopic and passive (sometimes even outright) aggressive. You'd hope people like this would change, but meeting them after high school was no surprise: still getting into petty fights, listening to shitty music, using a half assed middle schooler's vocabulary, bragging about how much of a "stoner" they are, and, above all else, functioning on a basic level of intelligence that is probably declining by the day.

Using drugs is not crap, but the "stoner" subculture is one of the stupidest subcultures around.

being a pot head

last year some scientists did some studies where they experimented on people by requiring one population to smoke weed over a course of time, and requiring another population to routinely use computers/internet over the same amount of time. there was indeed an iq drop among the weed smokers, but the ones who used computers suffered a greater iq drop, on average. (band) (i make beats for that dude)

being a pot head

BClark wrote:last year some scientists did some studies where they experimented on people by requiring one population to smoke weed over a course of time, and requiring another population to routinely use computers/internet over the same amount of time. there was indeed an iq drop among the weed smokers, but the ones who used computers suffered a greater iq drop, on average.

The internet really does make you stupid. :shock:

being a pot head

BClark wrote:last year some scientists did some studies where they experimented on people by requiring one population to smoke weed over a course of time, and requiring another population to routinely use computers/internet over the same amount of time. there was indeed an iq drop among the weed smokers, but the ones who used computers suffered a greater iq drop, on average.

Until you find me a link to this study, I'm calling bullshit.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

being a pot head

if it is true its fucking scary. I knew i would hate myself for this devil machine's grip on me. even when i have to use it to go to classes.

Then again I'm not sure everyone interprets the internet the same way. a lot of people are very glossed over when they operate a computer, even to this day with all our gadgets and computers and what have you. And others (sometimes privy to certain generations, sometimes not) seem to control themselves and display the facade that they are "in control".

being a pot head

half an OZ a week is a lot of fucking smoke bra, damn

I've never done anything illegal in my life (legal disclaimer) but if I were to smoke, its w/ the full realization that all drugs have negative side effects.

The thing w/ any addiction tho it has to have denial as a component, which is why its no surprise that pot heads deny any benefit of not being high.

Of course booze is worse, but thats like saying wiping your ass w/ a paper bag isnt as bad as using newspaper.

Of course not abusing drugs will improve your health, to deny that is just lying to yourself. Saying pot "helps you think" or do whatever it is one does, lets get real here (Dr Philism) whatever you can do can be done, getting high wont bring out some magical hidden power/thoughts.

If you can write some code, you can do it. Taking a break and getting high and coming back to solve the code, that is not scientific proof of anything other than taking a break and coming back to look at a problem can shed new light on it.

Anyhoot of course most long term pot heads get bitter, imagine feeling good only when you're high... you spend the rest of the week chasing the dragon.

The lame excuses are just funny tho. the bitterness of the post about quitting for 18 months and not getting some sort of super power from being dry really speaks to the earlier posts about.. well bitter pot heads.

Anyway I voted CRAP simply because I dislike the term pot head.

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