
Total votes: 5 (8%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 59 (92%)
Total votes: 64

Band: Jawbox Jawbox

Rog wrote:harpseal2 wrote:Should I go for FYOSS, or should I check out something else, PRFers?"Static" is on Novelty.That's a good one.FYOSS is an amazing record. "Savory" is immediately great, but the entire record rules, start to finish. Also look for the "Savory" EP; the b-sides "Lil Shaver" and "68" are as good as anything on FYOSS.Novelty is great too. The eponymous record has its moments but isn't as great as the two records that precede it.Skip the first one.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Band: Jawbox Jawbox

Wood Goblin wrote:Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Anyone else ever see the more than likely coincidental connection to Jawbreaker?Both bands names were "Jaw" something.Then we get Burning Airlines and Jets To Brazil at the exact same time.What are the odds? The big difference is that Jawbreaker sounds like the greatest band in the world when you're a teenager but not so much thereafter. Jawbox always seemed to have more grown-up interests/appeal.You are on some nonsense.

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