DaveA wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:45 am
Maybe odd to be weighing in on this of all things on a Saturday morning, especially since it could become a can of worms, but...
Worms help things grow. Worms are good.
DaveA wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:45 amkokorodoko wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:18 amAlong with this romanticism therefore, leftist intellectuals are historically very often accompanied by an aversion to the very people-ness of the people - consumerism, mass culture, rambunctious pleasures, even politics (The communist utopia is a place without politics[...]) To the intellectual, these excesses are often taken to be intrusive aberrations corrupting the pure people.
In my experience, this ^^^ isn't so, especially among contemporary leftists who've passed through or are still a part of academia. In most cases, hardcore leftists--at least very online ones--are deeply afraid of appearing snobby in this regard, unless such snobbery can somehow be directed at their political and social antipodes. Or, I dunno, be a source of self-mockery.
Snobbery often brings into relief one's privilege (past or present), one's distance from the flock, even if the person in question isn't economically prosperous, and this is something nearly all vocal leftists, much as I might like some of them, tend to be coy/apprehensive about.
Ah, I agree, and here you come to one of the things I am especially impatient with.
I am in possession of certain intellectual resources. It is undoubtedly a function of my class privilege or otherwise that I have been able to acquire these - that I have a baseline of subsistence guaranteed by the state, that I have leisure time because of a limited working day, that I have disposable income to buy books and pay for an internet connection, that I have access to certain information channels, that I have received free schooling... - but so what? Am I supposed to pretend as if I
don't possess these resources, in case it might make someone uncomfortable?
This thing of not appearing snobbish by avoiding theoretical subjects is fake as shit. Especially when it is put forth in the way of "you intellectuals in ivory tower, they people with ordinary problems, marx said do not think". Like if you understand something and find it relevant, there is no reason why anybody else couldn't. The only reason to be averse to sharing this with "the people" is that you either don't understand it that well (or you only know it by rote, so you're immediately stumped when someone challenges you in way you're not prepared for), or that you don't trust "the people" to understand it, because "after all, only academics care about this,
people have other problems", OR you are anxious that they will find you snobbish or condescending, which is a separate problem.
No matter what you do, the fact of your class conditions will not disappear. And as I demonstrated, and which is obvious, this class position and the resources it affords me gives me access to a certain
power. Power that I can make use of and that I can share with others. Power that might empower someone else. That other guy, possessing that same power (supposing that we are of roughly the same educational level and whatnot), would prefer to relinquish this power and make a pretense of speaking solely about "ordinary people's problems", when such a distinction, as well as the distinction between an intellectual and the people in this way, and the deliberate choice of identifying with an idea of the people as someone who's side you take; are all distinctions that can only be made by someone who posesses these resources to begin with! And by making use of this power he is hiding his class position to pose as on the side of the people, by deliberately denying them this power.
And besides, I fucking love this theory stuff. I find it exhilarating to have my horizons expand like this. I see more possibilities, I feel greater confidence. Why wouldn't I want to share this with others?
As far as "raising consciousness" goes, a lot of leftists seem to want to boil things down to the empirical level. The dubious prioritizing of economy to culture is one example of this. They focus on the level of content and forget that of form, which is just as important. A long-standing philosophical attitude is that appearances conceal essences. There is a perception of reality which is a false perception, and the task is to break through the false appearance to uncover actual reality, and that is the one which you will orient yourself after, apart from any incidental appearance. In the belief that you have uncovered the essential (the only thing which matters, as this word is also understood), you permit yourself to ignore appearances, even though these retain their effect, their magical power, and you haven't engaged with them on that level,
as apperances, but as irrelevant appendages to something else. Apperance and presentation are profoundly important to understand how you orient yourself in this world. No less so when it comes to teaching somebody else. All sorts of prejudices and conditioned responses are baked into the encounter. In the case of someone teaching, an extra layer is added in that they speak with the voice of an institution. To someone who does not have access to that institution, the presence of someone who does can be intimidating. Whether the reaction is hostility, shutting one's ears to the message; or admiration (which might be worse), there are things blocking reception which are not at the level of the facts themselves. Being aware of and raising awareness of these dynamics, on either part of the encounter, is itself part of teaching, since it relates to how power operates in general. Even when there is no direct intimidation as described, there can be lack of confidence: "Who am I to speak on this? I'm not an expert, like that other guy." Wresting knowledge from institutional power (physical and psychic) is part of claiming that knowledge.
A little bit of this has trickled into leftist circles. Discussions of "optics" are pretty prevalent, but I find those mostly rather shallow and uncomfortably close to silencing tactics. Then there are others who recognize the effectiveness of the image and signalling to draw support and persuade, but use this in a purely manipulative and opportunistic manner. "The masses respond to these signals, so this is what we will do." In this case, presentation is simply treated as a neutral tool to be used pragmatically as the situation demands, and there is no theoretical engagement with this phenomenon itself, and therefore no concern for how this affects the consciousness of the group or of those who receive the message. Furthermore those who receive the message remain ignorant of
why they respond to it, something which the members of the group spreading the message are aware of, but which is not contained in their message!
My original comment referred to how I notice a disinterest in those "vulgar" things, which I take to be in line with the attitude to essence and appearance. Those excesses can be considered distractions which will disappear with the attainment of consciousness (and which therefore will not be here in a future "self-conscious" society). The people (the masses, the multitude) is excess, uncontainable at the symbolic level. In modernist rationality, uncontainability is a flaw, something to be overcome at a later stage, "animal passions" eventually to fall under the rule of reason. The same attitude taken to the masses is taken toward oneself, and you have a neurotic. The left historically is always retreating from this excess, and their very attitude to capitalism often mirrors this (it is too much, too abundant, too anarchic) - that capitalism which is emergent from the life activity of the people.
This is I think a spontaneous initial effect of an intellectual attitude. The intellectual, the philosopher, begins by turning away from the immediate, saying
this is something other than
that. They therefore separate themselves from the people, they can no longer "be in the moment" of being with the people in the same way, because they have broken the illusion of that immediacy, the illusion that this immediacy was the world as such. In separating themselves, the intellectual forces separation on everyone else, forcing everyone else to recognize themselves as separate. Paradise is destroyed. As Plato already noted, the people don't like intellectuals, because intellectuals kill enjoyment, the enjoyment of simply being. When enjoyment is pointed out, it cannot be enjoyed.
So in noting that liberals fear the people,
I do not mock them for this. The people
are scary. In seeking to reclaim lost unity and blissful immediacy, the people might band together to destroy the individual. The people are identical, the individual is different.
This attitude described is of course nothing peculiar, but a necessary consequence of self-awareness. Everyone is always already separated like this, especially since some individuals insist on their difference by their very being (as a gendered or racialized other, etc.). But here ideology enters, offering (seemingly) a way back into blissful immediacy, into nature, into just the way things are.
In either case, leftists in their presentation have indicated a certain aversion to people-ness. The popular is gaudy, flashy and entertaining; leftists have preferred the drab and the solemn. The popular is hedonistic, leftists are ascetic. There is always the real world, and the distractions. Excepting Anonymous, leftists have been absolutely, fantastically clueless about the internet, the mob technology par excellence, because it's "just the internet". The far right totally swamped the internet in the first days of web2.0, no resistance whatsoever. Leftists slowly caught on - after Gamergate, i.e. along with the mainstream media, when the alt-right had been a thing for at least three years prior.
Of course, the inverse (if you will) can be true of conservatives, especially hardcore ones, who almost seem to dislike "change" on principle, such that they will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify not adapting to newer currents of thought or policy that might be more inclusive or beneficial to a greater number of people. It becomes a badge of honor for them to stay the same, or even regress, as a kind of f.u. to the world.
As far as adapting, I'm with G.K. Chesterton when he said that "the reasonable man adapts to the world and the unreasonable man insists on having the world adapt to him", where he of course sides with the unreasonable man. As far as it concerns "progress" in a simplistic, non-qualified sense, the tyrannical demand to "adapt or perish" to whatever happens to be the fancy at the moment, all of which depends on the one making the demand having the power to do so. Colonial imperialism is a kind of "progress". Steelmanning the conservative position, it tends to be the voice of the "little guy" being pushed aside or buried by the onslaught of the new, or a concern for the loss of human dignity. As far as their essentialism and insistence on familial sovereignty, I have no sympathies. But these things are good to keep in mind when engaging with someone like that.
Mainly though, this concerns enjoyment as I mentioned it above. There's a lot in the conservative mindset of wanting to retain mystery, enchantment, sacredness. How they operate in practice though, shows that it's not really retaining anything (since that original thing, whatever it was, is already irretrievably lost), but recreating it, re-enchantment following disenchantment. This is worth looking into.
One might infer that I think being middle of the road/centrist is the answer, but that's not the case either. Instead one should just think for himself/herself, and judge matters on a case by case basis, go where the facts lead them rather than jump to conclusions. It's also perfectly fine for someone to not have an opinion/stance on something.
That last part especially, yes. There is intense pressure to form an opinion on things, and to speak that opinion, make one's voice heard, to participate. Forming opinions is how you construct your self, and then all of that will be scrutinized. Relieving some of that pressure would be good for everyone.
It's basic chaos theory that full prediction is inherently impossible, right? So all we have are probabilities. Being comfortable with and loving unpredictability and uncertainty is something I would encourage.
In the end, actually helping someone tangibly, in the "real world"/within one's community/on a grass roots level (along with not voting for assholes) will probably do more good than most political conjecture/online discourse/tweeting/speeches/etc.
Maybe. There's a dangerous fetish in the "real world" and the local, the personal and so on, which I alluded to above. I don't think you have to lay down strong priorities like this. As long as you're aware of where you're looking and where you're not, and touch grass every once in a while. But as far as nurturing intimate bonds, I agree.