Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

If you are looking for a specific plan:

Send a neutral party into the situation, to suggest that maybe both sides should stop killing each other for awhile. Isolate both blockades, excepting food/medical supplies. No more 'aid' to Israel. Not to be lifted until people stop killing each other.

Just like you treat any other children who can't behave themselves. Sometimes you have to show them what they really want. Which is, first, to not die. Then you can discuss the living situations...

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

galanter wrote:I'm having trouble seeing a specific plan in what you are saying.

But at least you're talking.

Somehow most everyone is very vocal when insisting it's the other guy that's causing all the trouble, but very quiet when it comes time to make substantive suggestions as to how to actually solve the problem.

Hey, just like real life! Imagine that...

Hey, asswipe:

I answered the question when you asked "who is a true jew?" and I translated that into "who has a rightful claim to Palestine?"

I answered the question when you asked, "what is your plan to save lives?'

I asked you a question: "Genocide with what?"

Answer my question, you fucking question ducker, and respond to my replies, jagoff.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

clocker bob wrote:
galanter wrote:I'm having trouble seeing a specific plan in what you are saying.

But at least you're talking.

Somehow most everyone is very vocal when insisting it's the other guy that's causing all the trouble, but very quiet when it comes time to make substantive suggestions as to how to actually solve the problem.

Hey, just like real life! Imagine that...

Hey, asswipe:

I answered the question when you asked "who is a true jew?" and I translated that into "who has a rightful claim to Palestine?"

I answered the question when you asked, "what is your plan to save lives?'

I asked you a question: "Genocide with what?"

Answer my question, you fucking question ducker, and respond to my replies, jagoff.

Mind your manners.

How about nuclear weapons supplied by Iran?

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

galanter wrote:Mind your manners.

Not for the likes of you.

galanter wrote:How about nuclear weapons supplied by Iran?

Good one- now, not only does Iran *have* a bomb on 11/16, they have multiple nuclear bombs on 11/16, and they're already supplying their neighbors with them. You are indeed a prophet.

What is your new question even an answer to? The genocide question? Are you seriously stating that Iran's alleged nuke problem now gives Israel the right to ignore the UN, keep their occupied territories, build illegal settlements, and wage collective punishment against Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon? If that's it, say so. If that isn't it, say what it is.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

galanter wrote:A holocaust survivor once said that the lesson he learned was this...when people say they are planning on killing you, believe them.

You are rank scum for playing the holocaust card, in a world where the closest thing to a holocaust outside of Darfur is taking place in Gaza..

Do you react the same way to a charging poodle as you react to a charging rottweiler? In your world, any dog that barks, kill it first, any assessment of its killing power against you is irrelevant. If Israel needs to kill all its angry neighbors pre-emptively, why do we send them billions for defense? Is it all bad money? Israel can't defend itself? If that's so, I want my money back to fix potholes on my street.

galanter wrote:So Bob, what's your plan to save lives?

Shitbrain, I just typed this out in the last dozen posts.

Here it is again.

galanter wrote:So Bob...what is your plan to save lives?

Transport every Israeli out of Israel to any western country of their choice.

Stop selling arms to any Arab nation.

Threaten every Arab state with attack if any of them wage war outside their borders.

Stop buying oil from any OPEC nation. The US caps its consumption at what we produce or what we buy from friendlies like Canada or from the North Sea exporters. Mandate that heating oil is the first priority, including subsidized oil to heat the poor. Whichever drivers can't pay the new high gas prices, they park their cars and get on the bus or walk, and if that doesn't work, they move to where it will work.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

galanter wrote:On the Israeli side authority is centralized. A commitment there would be clear and unambiguous.

It seems more complicated on the Palestinian side don't you think?

I'm pretty sure that the residents of the Gaza Strip did elect a central authority to represent them- so sorry it wasn't the only choice you gave them.

PARIS, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Only one in three people in Gaza had access to running water after Israel's offensive in late June and chronic illness, trauma and mental health cases have increased sharply, a French relief group said on Thursday.

Western financial sanctions imposed after Islamist Hamas came to power in March after winning Palestinian elections have caused suffering along with Israeli military strikes and should stop, Medecins du Monde (MDM) President Pierre Micheletti said.

"Gaza is being intentionally kept on artificial respiration, and the population is suffering from collective depression," he told a news conference.

"We have seen a marked increase in chronic illness, trauma cases, premature birth, and mental health," Micheletti added.

"Under these conditions it is hard to see how the population has an alternative to violence, that is my personal opinion."

In a new report on Gaza, MDM said surveys carried out in June and July showed only 33 percent of the 1.4 million population had access to running water, versus 70 percent before Israel launched its offensive.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

Study: 40% of Israeli Settlements Built on Private Palestinian Land
A new study from the Israeli group Peace Now says nearly forty percent of Israeli settlements in the West Bank are built on privately-owned Palestinian land. Israel’s largest settlement -- Ma’ale Adumim -- is built on eighty-five percent private land. Peace Now says the data was leaked by an Israeli official who wanted to expose violations of Palestinian property rights.


The Israeli response: Everybody is always mean to them and lying all the time, and when Jews inside Israel question the settlements, they're traitors.

CBS News wrote: Peace Now's report singles out the two largest settlements. It says that more than 86 percent of Ma'ale Adumim, a community of 30,000 people outside Jerusalem, is built on Palestinian land, and more than 35 percent of Ariel.

The group says that the report "demonstrates that the property rights of many Palestinians have been systematically violated in the course of settlement building."

"We are talking about an institutional land grab," said Dror Etkes, a settlement expert with the Peace Now group.

Emily Amrusi, a spokeswoman for the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, dismissed the report.

"There is nothing to it," she told the Jerusalem Post. "It's just another lie to attack the settlement movement."

"In the war of Peace Now against the Jews, everything is kosher," Amrusi added.

A government spokesman said he could not comment on the data without studying it, but said that sometimes Palestinians would sell land to Israelis but be unwilling to admit to the sale publicly because they feared retribution as collaborators.

Maybe the Palestinians sold the land because they were denied permits to build anything on it? Is that a possibility?

"I'm not sure that all the land Peace Now says is Palestinian, is Palestinian," Civil Administration spokesman Shlomo Dror said.

Maybe there are no Palestinians, too. That's another popular conceit.

Peace Now does side with the occupiers on occasion- for example:

Peace Now has supported Israel's aerial bombardment and ground invasion of Lebanon 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, noting that Israel is acting out of self defense.
ha'aretz article here

That human shield tactic in Gaza really pissed those spiteful pricks off- to stop the rockets, the Israelis decided to plow over some fields, and make water and electricity even harder to come by. Great plan.

Senior UN Official: Israel Commits “Massive” Violations of Palestinian Rights

In Israel and the Occupied Territories, at least two Palestinians were killed and one Israeli critically wounded in violence earlier today. In Gaza City, Israeli bulldozers plowed through Palestinian fields and irrigation systems, destroying land and knocking off power to several neighborhoods. On Monday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour visited Gaza and denounced what she called Israel’s “massive” violation of Palestinian rights.

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