Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:54 pm
If you are looking for a specific plan:
Send a neutral party into the situation, to suggest that maybe both sides should stop killing each other for awhile. Isolate both blockades, excepting food/medical supplies. No more 'aid' to Israel. Not to be lifted until people stop killing each other.
Just like you treat any other children who can't behave themselves. Sometimes you have to show them what they really want. Which is, first, to not die. Then you can discuss the living situations...
Send a neutral party into the situation, to suggest that maybe both sides should stop killing each other for awhile. Isolate both blockades, excepting food/medical supplies. No more 'aid' to Israel. Not to be lifted until people stop killing each other.
Just like you treat any other children who can't behave themselves. Sometimes you have to show them what they really want. Which is, first, to not die. Then you can discuss the living situations...