Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

So why hate them?
Because they are smarter, more successful, richer than you?

The Pali's have had 50 years to have their own state, but are two brainwashed, stupid, and mean to do so.
They'ed rather kill Jews, themselves, and whoever else happens to be around.
Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia don't want them.
With good reason.
Last edited by krakabash_Archive on Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

krakabash wrote:So why hate them?
Because they are smarter, more successful, richer than you?

The Pali's have had 50 years to have their own state, but are two brainwashed, stupid, and mean to do so.
They'ed rather kill Jews, themselves, and whoever else happens to be around.

Deary me, you really put a lot of research into that reply, didn't you?

Let me help you out: start here and come back when you've done learning.


Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?

krakabash wrote:Try talking to my boss who is from Lebanon.
He left because he would have been killed if he stayed.
And it wasn't Jews that would have killed him either.
It was Arafat and his loser followers.

Try telling that to my friend whose dad had a gun held to his head by a settler when he was a baby, as the settler ordered her grandfather to leave his home to them, or die with his family. Not that you don't know this shit already, eh?

Have you started reading yet, sonny?

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