Re: Politics

jfv wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:03 pm
Krev wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:38 pm Biden has this one in the bag. Trump can't string a coherent sentence together. He'll probably call him Hillary at least once.
I hope you're right, obviously, but I get nervous any time Biden speaks.
You're not alone. I also hope I'm right.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

Re: Politics

the day we got out of afghanistan was the most embarrassing day in US history

we finally beat medicare.

right he beat it to death.

i'm friends with a lot of foreign countries. they think we're stupid.

they talk about the immigrant rapist but there are women getting raped by their sisters.

we had the best border in history, now we have the worst border in history!
he had hundreds of thousands killing our citizens.

my son was not a sucker. you're a sucker and a loser.

19 people said i didn't say that! just like "russia russia russia!"

i've never heard so much malarkey in my life

[biden] is like a very bad palestinian.

he has no idea what the hell he's talking about

they took over big chunks of seattle. i threatened to bring in the national guard and they left

joe could be a convicted felon with all the things he's done

how many billions do you owe in civil penalties for having sex with a porn star while your wife's pregnant?

i did not have sex with a porn star! we took in more money in the last 2 weeks than anyone in history!

what will u do about climate change?

he's done a horrible job for black people.

38 seconds. what will u do

i want immaculate water and air. we had h2o. we were using all forms of energy. we had the best numbers ever. i just heard that backstage.

childcare for two is more than rent. what will u do about childcare?

i've never seen him fire people. i fired comey. i fire people because theyre no good.
did u fire anybody on the border?
he came out with a nothing deal, like this much. if he wins we won't have a country anymore. that's how bad it is!

158 or 159 historians had meetings. they voted [trump] the worst!

1 minute. what will u do about childcare?

give me 4 years. i will be the best.

what will u do about the opioid epidemic?

he's a manchurian candidate. china is killing us!

67 seconds. what will you do about addiction?

we bought a certain dog that's incredible the way they can spot it.

we need fentanyl machines that can detect drugs.

biden you'd be 86. how do you handle concerns about that?

this guy's 3 years younger and a lot less competent.
we invented those chips and we lost it so i convinced samsung to invest billions.
we're the strongest country and everybody trusts us.

trump you'd be 82. what do you say?

i aced 2 cognitive tests. i'd like to see him go thru the 1st 5 questions. we knock on wood wherever we have wood that i'm in good health. i won 2 championships and he can't hit a ball 50 yd. i'm in as good shape as i was 25 years ago, probably lighter.
dr. ronnie jackson (great guy) has never seen anybody ace them.

take a look at what he is. i'd be happy to have a driving contest. my handicap is 6. can u carry ur own bag?

i've seen your swing!

Re: Politics

When CNN.. who is undoubtedly trying in any way possible to spin it as a positive.. is saying that Biden tanked and that Democrats are scrambling to possibly replace Biden right now..

Shit’s real bad.

Unless they do replace Biden. And the replacement candidate beats Trump.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

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