galanter wrote: If trying to empirically verify, say, that other parallel universes do or don't exist is beyond the grasp of science, trying to do so for God is (potentially) all the more impossible. And it's not unfair to say so.
Nothing would please me more, btw, than for you to stop bringing 'fuzzy' scientific concepts and equating them with the supernatural nature of a God.
Let's look at parallel universes. That is a theory, a balloon, put up by astrophysicists to explain some empirical evidence they have trouble understanding. It is very, very tenuous, with little evidence. It is a hypothesis at best, and recognized as such. If more evidence is found, for or against that hypothesis, it will be either shaped and concentrated to fit the evidence, or discarded. Such is the way of science. (string theory, this very week, is in big danger of being discarded, for instance)
There is no empirical evidence for God - in fact, you are tying this to GOD'S VERY NATURE. So I can't see why you're offended when someone says they don't believe in God - that they cannot know there is a God, and there is no evidence of God's existence. By His/Her very nature, remember! You cannot have it both ways.