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The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:03 pm
by burun_Archive
BadComrade wrote:
burun wrote:Chris, I wear camo pants (though I am not fashionable) so you can fuck off too :)

I've let you slide on a few things before, so I don't think I can on this one. I gotta draw the line somewhere, ya know? At least I know they don't look like this:



The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:46 pm
by lemur68_Archive
BadComrade wrote:

What, do you wear those if you have to hide in Candyland?

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:56 pm
by JC23by5_Archive
gjhardwick wrote:people who 'relic' instruments to make them look 'vintage': FUCK OFF


The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:19 am
by nihil_Archive
BadComrade wrote:

I would look good in these pants.

In fact, I would look very good in these pants.

Plus, nobody would be able to find me.

The best of both worlds.

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:18 am
by Nina_Archive
Fuckin hell those pants are horrid. I imagine the girl who would own such a fashion monstrosity would be super skinny, blond, big giant horse mouth with equally large teeth protruding out of said mouth and named something like Amanda or Ashley. Makes my skin crawl...

Halogen headlights, purple or blue, doesn't matter. They should be illegal, but since apparently they are not, they can FUCK OFF.

Fry's Electronics employees for giving me the wrong advice about my external hard drive causing it to fucking fry...... FUCK OFF. (bye-bye 80 gigs of important data...VAT will understand.. yeah, right.)

Los Angeles Superior Court database... FUCK OFF.

California State Bar Association..not being able to find a god damn civil case summary even WITH a fucking membership ... FUCK OFF.

LexisNexis....FUCK OFF.

Crappy health.......FUCK OFF.

L.A...........FUCK OFF.

California.........FUCK OFF.

Ahh... that was nice.

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:22 am
by night_tools_Archive
Having a cold - GET TAE FUCK!

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:58 am
by Arson Smith_Archive
'Climate Control' systems in automobiles that are too smart for their own good - FUCK OFF.

Dear automobile manufacturers, can you please just go back to giving me:

1) a simple selecter switch with these three options: AirConditioning / Vent / Heater
2) a simple fan speed switch with 3 speeds: LO / MED / HI
3) a simple slider switch to go from cooler (blue) to warmer (red)

That is all I ask - I do not need to puzzle out how to fool your devilish computer brain every time I just want to some blow cool air in my face, REGARDLESS of the outside temperature.

I get severely nauseated at stale, uncirculating air inside of an automobile - MAYBE EVEN IN THE DEAD OF WINTER I *DO* WANT THE HEATER FAN TO COME ON EVEN AT FIRST WHEN IT IS GOING TO JUST BLOW FREEZING COLD AIR FOR A FEW SECONDS (EVER THINK OF THAT?) - maybe I want this to work and not have to ride with the windows down like an idiot. Maybe I really don't need or want your oh-so-clever circuit that overrides and keeps the fan turned completely off until it's all ready to blow hot air.

Gack. Argh. Fuckin' things.

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:08 pm
by alandeus_Archive
There is no excuse for wearing flip-flops in public, so please either cease and desist or fuck off.

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:47 pm
by Nina_Archive
alandeus wrote:There is no excuse for wearing flip-flops in public, so please either cease and desist or fuck off.

(Slowly glances down at feet....)

My excuse is that on occasion, I go into public places that require you to wear something on your feet. Flip-flops prevent me from being barefoot and are considered a viable shoe. (At least in California..)

The FUCK OFF Thread.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:05 am
by that damned fly_Archive
JC23by5 wrote:
gjhardwick wrote:people who 'relic' instruments to make them look 'vintage': FUCK OFF


i did this by playing the shit out of a p-bass. it's somewhere in chicago now.

if you seeing a guy playing an absolutely beaten black p-bass w/ black pickguard, gold painted pickup, it used to be mine. and i beat the ever loving shit out of that thing.

also, under the pickguard were my initials.

do i feel bad? no, the guy got a p-bass (american) for $450. hsc incl.