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Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:00 pm
by falsedog_Archive
An Excellent Italian Job


Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:01 pm
by Germ War_Archive
edpriesner wrote:What's up with strongbad being on it though? Is it just me, or is that actually the strongbad voice..?

I'd never seen Strong Bad until after I heard this album, so my girlfriend showed it to me the other day. Some character named 'The Cheat' came onscreen, and I said, "Hey, that's Bob Weston's EA board icon!"

So, uhhh...perhaps that's your explanation?

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:20 pm
by caix_Archive
I just went to the record store next to my work and bought this on vinyl. Mark this as the first time I've ever bought a record the day it came out. They weren't even out in the bins yet, the guy had them at the bottom of a stack of Belle and Sebastian "Tigerland" albums on the counter.

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:50 pm
by Wheely_Archive
Yes! With the closing of one of our tiny city's downtown record stores 2 weeks ago, leaving only 2 stores in town that carry new vinyl, neither of which have the new Shellac LP in yet, I probably have to wait until I go to Lawrence, KS this Friday to pick up a copy! Oh, Joy!

You better save a copy for me Lawrence, KS!

Does Wal-Mart carry vinyl?

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:13 pm
by kearnsalot_Archive
I need to get to Reckless tomorrow.

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:35 pm
by Arson Smith_Archive
ironyengine wrote:
Mr. Graham wrote:OK, so, to confirm (I did some searches, but there's a lot of matches with "Excellent Italian Greyhound + Shellac + CD + LP"): the vinyl version does come with a CD, in the "1000 Hurts" style?

Off to pick this up today after work; would appreciate the info. Thanks!

Mr. Graham

I'm not sure which of the three threads about this album it is in, but this point has been confirmed several times now. As has the point about Strong Bad. And the "Rotosound" nod.

Come on guys, at least pretend you're paying attention.

Actually - it's interesting to note that at Vintage Vinyl here in Saint Louis, they had a little disclaimer taped up saying something like "LP may or may not come with CD inside"... so I don't know if they were just being silly, doing a CYA (Cover Your Ass) move, or if they had a complaint from someone who didn't have a CD within their package?

I have to admit, it made me grab a few copies and give them a shake - but unlike the 1000 Hurts box, you couldn't just hear it rattling around... so when I got the thing out to the parking lot, I immediately opened it up and checked mine - CD and LP both - yes - thank you guys - it's very thoughtful of you, and sorry if everyone seems to be taking it for granted. It is a hell of a convenience for automobile listening, if nothing else.

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:39 pm
by Arson Smith_Archive
*** SPOILER? ***

P.S. It's hilarious to me that I keep seeing mention of Strong Bad, and no mention of Don LaFontaine or Ken (muthafuckin') Nordine!

C'mon, Internet dorks.

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:45 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
Just got mine!

listening to the CD at work right now... will play the vinyl when I get home!

The package is beautiful!

The songs are good... more Bob signing.

...will give a full report tomorrow.

Did you know you can by the 24-bit version at Touch & Go online?


Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:46 pm
by burun_Archive
IPL wrote:Just hopped down to Other Music and got the last copy(as far as I could tell) The packaging stays true to SoNA's stellar track record....simply a fantastic looking record!

Yes, you did, because when I got there to purchase a copy for myself, they told me they had just sold the last one.

Oh well, waiting another few days will not bother me.

I bought the new Dead C instead.

Excellent Italian Greyhound - 06-05-2007

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:11 pm
by j_harvey_Archive
Arson Smith wrote:Ken (muthafuckin') Nordine!

Keep in mind there are like 10 threads about this record.