Shellac chopped & screwed...?

mr.arrison wrote:True, but other "guitar" music that I like doesn't have this turntable disease plaguing it like Rap Metal does. Therein lies a commonality that isn't present in other "good" guitar music. Therefore I have deducted something: Turntables + Metal (guitar music) will most likely = feces.

I dunno; if you ask me, it doesn't matter if it's a guitar, a turntable, a drum, or a harpsichord--put in the hands of a douche, and it's gonna sound like a vinegar fart.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

Rap metal???

Defining moments for the turntable as an instrument of rock...

Anthrax, mixing rap and metal (and Jewish folk music?) "I'm the Man" : 1987

P.E. sampling a Slayer riff for their song "She Watch Channel Zero" : 1988

Mordred, implements a DJ making scratchy-scratchy with their metal/thrash/funk band : 1989

See, it was already starting to be coopted and lame by 1989.

Limp Shitbeard doesn't deserve credit for anything other than writing ass songs and selling what, like 10 million records to America's angry young douchebags.

That has no bearing on how awesome q-bert is. Q-bert is awesome.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

Tommy Alpha: That was EXACTLY the memory that popped into my head when that whole DJ/lump-in-throat thing came up. We must have seen the same tour. Couple-three years ago?

Also, Scott (was it Scott?) -- thanks for listening & for your comments. You're right -- I'm a rookie DJ for sure; I just figured out the basics of how to chop & screw. Better c&s DJs (most of them from the South) are able to really work the tracks (looping 4 bars, using actual "scratching" & more) to make them more unique. My versions are those of a beginner with aspirations.

Mr. Graham

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

EA isn't as hip-hop literate as other boards, so obviously anyone who tries to defend/criticize hip-hop here is going argue with people who have drawn a marker in their music appreciation brains. Neither side of the hot seat is wrong. It's just a lot of yelling and terminology fucking. It's like someone going on an early electronic music discussion forum and wanting to talk about Arctic Monkeys. Some people may not like that band! Gasp!

I love T&G related material, mostly. I love hip hop, mostly -- hence some good scratching. I love musique concrete, mostly. I love Steely Dan, mostly. Anyway...

On a board where lots of music that stresses well recorded drums is discussed, it's inevitable that someone who has a hip-hop ear is going to hear something revered here that's worth sampling. I totally understand that. Shellac are a good example.

So, why did the threadstarter start a public thread about this? Why not just contact Shellac privately about it instead?

Or -- to take it further -- for anybody who wants to sample Shellac music loops for songs they plan to sell for profit, why can't they privately ask Shellac if it's ok first, then if it's ok, talk about the conditions thereof, etc.?

I'm not trying to be a copyright lawyer for the band or anything, but what's the point of trying to get attention for announcing one's intentions to sample music where there's a good bet a chunk of said community is going to criticize it?

Eh, I think I answered my own question.
"Pro Tools is too California Hollywood bullshit.”

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

mackro wrote:EA isn't as hip-hop literate as other boards, so obviously anyone who tries to defend/criticize hip-hop here is going argue with people who have drawn a marker in their music appreciation brains. Neither side of the hot seat is wrong. It's just a lot of yelling and terminology fucking. It's like someone going on an early electronic music discussion forum and wanting to talk about Arctic Monkeys. Some people may not like that band! Gasp!

I love T&G related material, mostly. I love hip hop, mostly -- hence some good scratching. I love musique concrete, mostly. I love Steely Dan, mostly. Anyway...

On a board where lots of music that stresses well recorded drums is discussed, it's inevitable that someone who has a hip-hop ear is going to hear something revered here that's worth sampling. I totally understand that. Shellac are a good example.

So, why did the threadstarter start a public thread about this? Why not just contact Shellac privately about it instead?

Or -- to take it further -- for anybody who wants to sample Shellac music loops for songs they plan to sell for profit, why can't they privately ask Shellac if it's ok first, then if it's ok, talk about the conditions thereof, etc.?

I'm not trying to be a copyright lawyer for the band or anything, but what's the point of trying to get attention for announcing one's intentions to sample music where there's a good bet a chunk of said community is going to criticize it?

Eh, I think I answered my own question.

I don't think the point of this post was to ask Steve/Bob/Todd "can I use your music", more to hear what Shellac fans think of his music (I think he said that somewhere). In light of the fact that Steve works with people and a diverse spectrum of music, perhaps the people on his board can appreciate a wide variety of music.

Haters to the left, please.

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

The idea that anyone can turn round and make a judgement as to what constitutes music or not is fucking insane. If it's music to you, it's music. Sorry to be a hippy but we're all free thinking individuals right? If you don't like it, vote with your ears but don't say what it is and what it isn't.
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

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