I disagree. Ever listen to Handsome Boy Modeling School?
The artists are the producer and engineer. They pick and choose musicians and vocalists on a song-by-song basis, and they've turned out some great material.
Name A Truly Original Artist
142I'm talking about producers in the rap genre, mainstream rap, to be specific. It works differently, I hope, in the rock world.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Name A Truly Original Artist
143honeyisfunny wrote:[
you can hate them, but i think rage against the machine, as a rap-metal band with live instrumentation with funny whammy pedal scritchy guitar, was pretty original. it was also inevitable, and the trail it blazed led to nothing but horrible craaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.