Fred Mangan Guitars

I always thought Josh Homme played Matons... you know actual guitars, not satellite dishes.

Anyway, here's my new skateboard, it's horrible looking, doesn't really work, some of it was made using scrap parts, but Tony Hawk once may have almost looked at using it. Possibly.


But hey, it's so crazy that someone may want to spend thousands of dollars on this piece of shit.

Last edited by Verbs and Nouns_Archive on Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's Too Late For Logic

Fred Mangan Guitars

sunset_gun wrote:

Hey, that's the owner of Victory Records!

pecard wrote:Holy shit! Good use of internet going on.
1.) Dude who has the Cows "Daddy Has a Tail" icon for their profile - awesome! Cows are one of my favorite bands. Used to LOVE to see those guys at 7th Street when I lived in Minneapolis for a bit. Shannon Selberg is/was a kick ass frontman! (good frontman = lost art in today's world of boring bands)
2.) Yes, I am a good friend of Fred's. After reading all this shit, what the fuck? (sorry, I'm not a message-board kind of guy, do I say wtf instead?). I played in a band with Fred (Spankenstein - and over 6 years or so, broke up & got back together about 10 times over, because Fred was a huge asshole prick or something. But, music and fun was music and fun, and when everything settled, it was cool. I used to be a real shitty guitar player. Fred taught me a ton about making things sound better, and thanks to him, I now am a shitty guitar player who thinks he's a regular Ross the Boss. (I will learn how to play some Manowar solos ONE of these days!). So, as a somewhat-guitar/band geek, does Fred know his shit - fuck yeah. And as a human being, can Fred be a raging anus - double fuck yeah. If you like him, great. If you don't, oh well - it's a big world I guess. (sorry for the ramble, and over-use of parenthesis)
3.) Besides the Cows guy, why doesn't everyone change their icon to be their face, so we can all know who we all are. I think I saw one other person's face, so I'll be the 2nd.
4.) Thanks for letting me ramble. Steve, sorry, but I'm not a big fan of your music. I'm sure you make shit sound awesome though. You & Dale Meiners are probably the top 2 recording guys in town! :)
5.) Dictators Forever!

pecard wrote:Holy shit! Good use of internet going on...

And... introducing douche #3, a.k.a. Good Cop. I love the cheesy banter, the jovial musical small talk, the pretending to be "kinda hearin' what we're sayin." Total Bullshit.

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