What s the last text message you sent-received?
142Marsupialized wrote:Open your phone and look at your text messages.
What does the last one you received say? What about the last one you sent?
Don't cheat.
My BB reads:
Received: yeah let's do that.
Sent: talked to nan this morning on the phone. sent zap and her an email last night about it. Carl OK apparently. fucking waste of my time.
What s the last text message you sent-received?
143In: that spastic is on his way
Out: cheers
Out: cheers
Jerry Falwell wrote:
May God's lightning be drawn to your aluminium guitars and beards and strike you dead. Jesus Christ.
What s the last text message you sent-received?
144sent: "Haha. You possibly saved my life tuesday night. Thank you!"
kerble is right.
What s the last text message you sent-received?
145In: "She threw one of her drunken tantrums. I told her to move back to fucking Oregon."
Out: "Wow!"
In:"What r u doing tonight.. I am moving back to Oregon.. Want to hang out."
Out: "Wow!"
Out: "Wow!"
In:"What r u doing tonight.. I am moving back to Oregon.. Want to hang out."
Out: "Wow!"
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.
What s the last text message you sent-received?
146In: "Yo juice"
Out: "I'll be back by quarter til"
Out: "I'll be back by quarter til"
I have been influenced by posters
What s the last text message you sent-received?
147in: "i just saw andrew mccarthy's buttcrack."
out: "im not sure. ill email you about it when i get...landed."
out: "im not sure. ill email you about it when i get...landed."
What s the last text message you sent-received?
148In: "God save the queen!"
Out: "Hail Britannia!"
Out: "Hail Britannia!"
What s the last text message you sent-received?
149In: Oh, okay then...good night lame ass.
Out: Good night felch.
Out: Good night felch.
What s the last text message you sent-received?
150In: He fucking sucks.
Out: A bottle rocket just burned a hole in my Rebel Flag bikini.
Out: A bottle rocket just burned a hole in my Rebel Flag bikini.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.