Let us see you.
Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:35 pm
I look best in grainy photos.

bent_christian wrote:I look best in grainy photos.
stackmatic wrote:bent_christian wrote:I look best in grainy photos.
So do your pipes.
"i just met brian wilson. what a bloody nice bloke. he was genuinely interested in everyone around him and completely without ego. i was lucky enough to be left alone with him and david leaf for a short period and he ranted for about 10 minutes about the difference in acoustics at London's Royal Festival Hall between his gigs in Febuary and this weeks concerts at the same venue. it was honestly fascinating. anyway, enough gushing. i asked him your questions too. here follows the answers.
1) Were you ever so high and wasted that you got your ass kicked by a chick after you had sex with her?
A) not since courtney love back in '74
2) Ask if he's considered releasing an unfinished version of SMiLE. This is how it might work:
Take all the best material from the sessions (sections, snippets, and completed sections and parts at various stages), and package them on a 4-5 or more CD set with software for arranging and mixing samples (a-la Acid or something similar). Then market it as a "Finish SMiLE Yourself" kit. So that folks can do their own version without having to fool around with the bootlegs out there. Then when they're finished they could publish the file with the "mix" info on it to a website where others with the discs could check out other people's mixes. The software would also allow them to burn CD's of each of their mixes once their finished. The kit could come with a book about the sessions, where things were left off, and how one might proceed with starting to finish it.
See what he thinks of that idea. He's just crazy enough to go for it....
A) he got really confused at this point. all i could garner was that the new smile would be out in september.
3) Does he really think re-recording Smile will win him any new fans, or is he just kidding himself that anything done after the fact will be just as good?
A) he's not worried about new fans, but he is worried about how it's gonna be received in the us, 'cos, and i quote "they appreciate the art a lot more in england than in the states. in the states people just wanna jump around." which i think speaks volumes.
4) Ask him if he finds any true irony in the fact that even though he was the first to have a nervous breakdown, he survived his two brothers.
A) carl was always too fat and dennis had it coming.
5) I love his work. Ask him what's the best large diaphragm condenser for under $200 then post it all over the internet.
A) the AKG C2000B is on sale for 200$ at samedaymusic.com.
6) Ask him what he thought of the tribute concert. What was his favorite performance?
A) everyone at the tribute concert "sucked a fat one."
7)Ask him what he thinks of OutKast.
If he responds positively, challenge him to name one song by OutKast. Any song. For that matter, any album.
Then ask him what he thinks of Public Enemy.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat with all black music stars of the 90s and 00s.
A) "brothers is all good. my back catalogue weighs a ton."ask him how he feels about that little "incident" with charles manson.
A) "they're family. have you not seen the sopranos?"
9) Then ask him why he killed Natalie Wood.
A) to spare her from any more steve mcqueen beatings.
10) and why he didn't kill his daughters before they started their recording careers...
A) not funny
11) say "you must be so proud of owen and luke!"
A) yes
12) or, ask him if he felt he got special treatment because his dad otis was on the bears.
A) yes
13) or, tell him you read that he's on a strict diet of panda semen, and you just wanted to know where he's able to get all that panda semen from
A) china
14) or, ask him how long ago him and carnie were married, and how he felt about her getting so damn huge, and if that made him want to beat her
A) 4 years, pissed off, yes
15) or, ask him which was the most proud moment in his life... when he walked on the moon, or when he shot kennedy.
A) neither actually happened
16) or, ask him if he'd object to you putting your nuts on his tongue. then ask him why the beach boys were so compelled to sing like fags
A) yes, 'cos it made me millions of dollars
17) or, ask him why he didn't sue peewee herman for naming his genie after that one song, "moist up the jambi's tail"
A) never heard of it
18) Anyway, since you're willing to offend him, ask him what it was like to be so fat and fucked up that he couldn't get out of bed and had to have his maid/nurse jerk him off because he couldn't.
A) it was great. it saved me from having to lie on my arm for 15 minutes.
19) Ask him how he feels about the E6 collective
A) when asked about the E6 collective today, brian commented: "get some fuckin' ideas of your own, you workshy indie bastards." "
End of Interview
Maria wrote:angry dragon- is that a parry hall t shirt you are wearing?
Jon wrote:is it just me or has the beard shrunk a little?