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Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:21 pm
by emmanuelle cunt_Archive
fantasmatical thorr wrote:My friend Pete told me last night that Hetfield and Ulrich were sat adjacent to him at a bar. Next thing, Hetfield farts on my friend, you know, moved on to one side and let one rip in Petes direction. Pete looks at his friend and asks "did that just happen?" and his friend confirms this. Pete turns around to Hetfield and says "hey, man, what the fuck? you just farted in my direction. you don't do that. ".
I don't recall the last part but, I think you get the picture.
I ';m crying with laughter here.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:47 pm
by tommydski_Archive
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:tommydski wrote:Lots of bands [collaborate with writing lyrics] actually.
Shellac, Husker Du, Fugazi, Sloan etc.
I read in an interview with Guy, which took place while the band was still going, that lyrics are the one thing Fugazi
didn't collaborate on. He said this to qualify a statement that they wrote and arranged all their songs together, as a band.
True. However, on the first EPs Guy was collaborating with Ian by coming up with the phrases he sings as backing on the
13 Songs material. They would vamp until they found parts that they liked and these were the parts that were ultimately recorded.
Grant Hart wrote 'Somewhere' with Bob Mould.
Shellac presumably co-wrote all the stuff on
At Action Park. 'Song for the Minerals', 'The Admiral', 'A Minute' and 'Crow'. As in, Steve and Bob would take turns singing their parts on the same song.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:32 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
m.koren wrote:DrAwkward wrote:Considering how disjointed and patchwork the songs on
St. Anger were, that was perfectly suited for them.
Aside from the music in SKOM, I've never heard this album. Should I go pick up a copy ?
Download it to 1) satisfy your morbid curiosity, and 2) enjoy the novelty of downloading music from "Napster Bad Money Good" Metallica. Then listen to it once and delete it. This is exactly what i did.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:46 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
My friend used to be a WWF wrestler, he was a real low level dude who'd just get his ass whupped by the big names when they came through Chicago.
Anyway, he said after one of the shows he was in the bar with all the, beforehand was warned in no uncertain terms that if he somehow found himself in the same place as him he was not to say anything to the wrestler known as the undertaker, don't even look at him.
They were very serious about this.
So, he's at the bar and lo and behold the undertaker dude sits next to him. After a few minutes this 7 foot 300 pound undertaker turns to him and asks 'You like Metallica?'
My friend says 'No'
and that was it, they both just went back to sitting there drinking their beers.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:50 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:My friend used to be a WWF wrestler, he was a real low level dude who'd just get his ass whupped by the big names when they came through Chicago.
Anyway, he said after one of the shows he was in the bar with all the, beforehand was warned in no uncertain terms that if he somehow found himself in the same place as him he was not to say anything to the wrestler known as the undertaker, don't even look at him.
They were very serious about this.
So, he's at the bar and lo and behold the undertaker dude sits next to him. After a few minutes this 7 foot 300 pound undertaker turns to him and asks 'You like Metallica?'
My friend says 'No'
and that was it, they both just went back to sitting there drinking their beers.
This and the Cheeweenies story are the best you've ever told.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:38 pm
by thebugman_Archive
look what I found...
wait until the vocals start...and have a good laugh.
compared to
it lacks something, don't you think?
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:00 pm
by miseryandthesun_Archive
Metallica's not a band that I can stand listening to but I wouldn't want to live in a world in which they didn't exist.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:48 pm
by mkoren_Archive
thebugman wrote:it lacks something, don't you think?
Cocaine, I'd say.
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:15 pm
by otisroom_Archive
Band: Metallica
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:51 pm
by mt_Archive
Not Crap for _Master of Puppets_ and _Ride the Lightning_ alone. _...And Justice For All_, I am ASTOUNDED that a record could be released sounding like that, and yet somehow it overcomes the utterly shitty sound to be . . . well . . .OK. I can easily pretend that this band ceased to exist beyond this point in time. That said, it would take a lot to undo the good of everything up to 1989 - but they are certainly giving a good run at it.