little politics from my day: i said zingers today too after a surprise joke.. i said "i zinged you" lol
Re: Politics
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:06 pm
by Anthony Flack
punctuation slows me down though while im typing off the top of my head so you get what makes it's way there
Punctuation hates you. The one you put in is the one you should have left out.
Everybody gets it wrong though because there is a special rule for putting an apostrophe in its. Only do it if it's short for "it is". Well, anyway... ironic, that's all.
People say this sort of thing will die out as a part of natural language evolution, except that we are now pretty close to the point where you can just push a button and a computer will fix it all up for you. Any knowledge people can't be bothered dealing with can be dumped onto computers now.
re: politics
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:18 pm
by janeway
Anthony Flack wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:06 pm
Punctuation hates you.
Punctuation hates you.
"The one you put in is the one you should have left out."
7" I would definitely buy
re: politics
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:11 pm
by janeway
Re: Politics
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:20 pm
by DaveA
Not pointing a finger at anyone here, but in general, being a grammar stickler on the internet is kind of a dick move, unless, I dunno, you're slam dunking on a Republican on Twitter, or something, and it's really funny.
Having said that, while I don't often harshly judge the English of others in everyday contexts, the main reason I'd want my posts from the old forum scrubbed is the at times dodgy grammar/syntax/word choices that started around 2005 and lasted until...whenever. I didn't recognize the differences then between less and fewer, further and farther. Correct tense often eluded me (not that I never struggle with it these days). Don't recall typing "begs the question" where "raises the question" would have sufficed, but at least once I referred to something as "tautological" where "redundant" should have been, I typed "nauseous" where "nauseated" would go, and used "equivocate" where "equate" was what I meant. I only took English as far as 102 and suspect the many ideas in my head often outstripped my ability to plainly express them, both with correct English and, at times, ample diplomacy. Such is the folly of youth, stoned or not..for some.
Anyway, the reason I'm telling you this is that I put out a book within the last year, a pretty good one, I think, and it was only after getting a good amount of "questionable writing" out of my system, over several years, that I could really get down to it. And even then, I STILL USED A LINE EDITOR.
So in short, everyone needs to cut themselves more slack.
re: politics
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:31 pm
by janeway
hooked on phonics and hydroponics
lol je suis la jeune fille
re: politics
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:41 pm
by janeway
you guys, politics.. is so fun
kanye west went to the dmv to be ye now like Cher but he needs that home feeling drive slow homie lake shore drive nights remembering polaris haha and def poetry jam's 18 years that's the guy find yoself that's all
Re: Politics
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:45 pm
by Curry Pervert
DaveA wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:20 pm
the main reason I'd want my posts from the old forum scrubbed is the at times dodgy grammar/syntax/word choices that started around 2005 and lasted until...whenever. I didn't recognize the differences then between less and fewer, further and farther. Correct tense often eluded me (not that I never struggle with it these days). Don't recall typing "begs the question" where "raises the question" would have sufficed, but at least once I referred to something as "tautological" where "redundant" should have been, I typed "nauseous" where "nauseated" would go, and used "equivocate" where "equate" was what I meant. I only took English as far as 102 and suspect the many ideas in my head often outstripped my ability to plainly express them, both with correct English and, at times, ample diplomacy.
You remember all those things? Or did you read back over all your old posts? Either way, kind of impressive. Perhaps a little obsessive too though.
DaveA wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:20 pm
So in short, everyone needs to cut themselves more slack.
Re: Politics
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:07 pm
by DaveA
No, didn't go over any of that within the last few years, but I recall a certain clumsiness with language on my part, at several points.
It's worth noting that sometimes even top level grammarists have to look things up (in the Chicago Manual of Style, for example), because there are all kinds of weird rules in English. Like, when to or not to hyphenate--it's not as easy to predict or cut and dry as you would think.